Find us on @sallee_creates… There you will find sketches, prep work, mini painting series and more. Goal, share more creative works.

Acrylics Indoor And Outdoor Study

A Life Study, Acrylics Indoor And Outdoor Study

Waterscape, Vases and Flowers

Bridge and water garden

Artwork – Indoor And Outdoor Works

An Acrylics Indoor And Outdoor Study, sharing various styles, vegetation inside the house and out.

Plants, Flowers and More
Acrylics studies - Anniversary Annuals


Acrylics studies - Red Pedals

Red Pedals

Acrylics studies - Palms in the sun

Palms One

Acrylics studies - Palms in the sun 2

Palms Two

The style, at this point is my own, which has been consistent throughout my career, most recently in a study of pelicans you can find those paintings by searching Bird Study or click the link. Color is important here, makes for good acrylics (paintings, mixed media etc. and so on) including indoor, outdoor, subject matter – human, animals, creatures, energy, really anything.. For the context of this  post, color typically comes in the surreal flavor if you will, call it my self-expression or whatever, I rarely choose the real palette represented in a study or model. Again, not to be a rebel, maybe perhaps to give it a different ‘life’. To create something with “a life of it’s own or on it’s won”, I guess.

I explore the world around us, using color and space to define the setting, mood, and time. Stay tuned for more updates. Check out my latest sketches and artwork on X for progression photos, or browse other pieces in the artwork category.

Water Birds

Now, Pelicans, Herons, Storks and Egrets

A Study of Water Birds

Birds In The Water, Three Pelicans

Artwork – Water Birds Series

Bird Study, pelicans, egrets, heron, ibis and others around the shore

Hunting and Gathering, Around The Water
Bird B/W

Pelican B/w

On the Water

Heron On The Water

Birds Close Up

Heron Close Up

Highlighting various bird species through acrylics and photography. Below are a couple of shots of herons in and around the lake taken via drone – DJI Phantom 4 ProV2. For product information and technical specifications, visit DJI’s website. In the future, I will release a number of sketches, additional photos, and illustrations that will be available in print through Amazon eBooks and Print. Exciting things are on the horizon as we move into the latter part of 2024.

Birds, specifically ‘shore’ birds are one of my favorite species to cover. Herons, Storks, look (mostly) Jurassic or what I imagine life being like in those times. That said, I had followed a few Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias) and one, maybe more than one Shoebill Stork (Baleniceps rex) in and around the Florida waterways.

Now, there is a bit of a symbiotic relation to a family of ducks near by. Unfortunately, for the ducks at times, I noticed the herons’ (predators) came around duck seasonal migrations. There were enough small fish, turtle and such to sustain a Blue Heron or two, Osprey and Shoebill Stork. In that same vain, the birds took full advantage of a specific food source, duck eggs and ducklings in around the same waterways I was fishing. As you can imagine, the predators were looking for a vulnerable, nutrient-rich food source. I digress, the point, I had the opportunity to study, watch and learn large, solitary birds do what they do. 

Stay tuned for more updates. You can also view my latest sketches and artwork on X @sallee_creates for progression photos, or explore other pieces under the artwork category.

Tree Study

A Season Of Change

Tree Study


Artwork – Tree Study Series

Changing seasons, progression of time. A Tree study.

We watch as branches sway back and forth in the breeze, a snowy winter is coming . Snow covers their barren branches, with no leaves for what seems like months. Out of the window,  we see the sun, and we follow this specimen through time a passage of time, as seasons change.

Season Change


Summer Time

Summer Time

Trees Dusk


Morning Light

Morning Sun

Trees Late Afternoon

Late Afternoon



Trees Pixelated


Watch as the seasons change, growth after a tremendously long winter pause, makes for a nice tree study – a full progression (6 part series) of this particular area outside the house. Actually, this tree sits just outside the window, within arms reach. There were times, if a storm whipped up enough of a gust, the branches would scrap and the window. No damage just bone chilling noise to encounter during a heightened time or situation during a winter storm. New life emerges in the spring, followed by a spring trim. In the warm glow of late day, branches stretch, and bounce, pushing out their bark and leaves for more sun light.

More coming soon, please check back later. Be sure to view my latest sketches and artwork on X @sallee_creates for progression photos. You can also explore other pieces and artwork in the artwork category.


Automaton Creations

Clockwork Series


Artwork – Clockwork

Let’s cover artworks titled “Clockwork”… Made famous in the book A Clockwork Orange by english novelist Anthony Burgess. A grim dystopian look at a group of young hoodlums, hell bent on raising hell, in this dark world of ultra-violence made famous by Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of the Burgess classic in 1975. Clockwork is a mixed media creation that simulates an automaton’s interpretation of street art, taking on the task of being ‘creative’. It incorporates spray paint, markers, a paper pad, plaster, and board.

This hybrid interpretation of urban life is a mixed media series made of plaster and board. It focused on street art and uses various paint types including Krylon, Rust-Oleum and/or Dupli-Color aerosols. Check out the Clockwork series and others like it, which highlight various mediums, surfaces and mixed textures.

Street Work
Paint On Board

Paint On Board

Paint Horizontal

Paint Horizontal

More to come, check back later just finished a few new designs, using Prismacolor acrylic markers. It’s been about 18 years since I last drew up ‘Clockwork’ as a tag or street name. Far from being an automaton, I might start a new design at some point. Check out the latest sketches, mark-ups, and artwork @sallee_creates for progression photos. You can also view other pieces and artwork under the category artwork.


Us. We, together Can Over Come

Connect, Be With One Another


Artwork – Together

More information will be necessary to fully understand this series. However, it is clear that this series serves as a celebration of family, whether they are blood relatives or individuals who hold a special place in your life, such as close friends.

The Symbolism

The series consists of two small pieces, white on black duotone acrylics, each measuring 5″ x 5″. As mentioned earlier “together” symbolizes the importance of family, whether biological or chosen. It is the love depicted in these paintings that truly brings them to life. 

Together Series




Other Work

If this series interests you i.e. Together, there are others to explore, such as the Form Study or the Tree Study. Regardless, there is may be something here that catches your eye. Check out the category search results for “artwork” to see more acrylics and mix-media pieces (studies) that have been completed. Take a look around and feel free to share your thoughts if you wish. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment or send us an email with any questions or feedback on the work. Thanks for visiting.

Fine Art

More Creations, Mixed Media, Acrylics, Oil and More

Fine Art

Artwork – Fine Art, Design, Branding And More

Fine Arts and More. Below, you’ll find a collection of various works and subjects including line drawings, mixed-media, acrylic and oil paintings. Wood carvings are also in progress, with a wood fish carving on the horizon. Things are starting to come together with the wood carving tests. Take a look at the artwork – category, see the list of links below or do a search over in the sidebar. area to the right of this content (below if on a tablet or smartphone).

Artwork Series 

And more, via @sallee_creates on my X account. Follow along, like if you would prefer. Ideally, there is a good mix of work here, a few to jumpstart your exploration activities. 

Next Steps, Questions?

Are you new to the site?  Visiting for the second or third time? Below, you will find subjects covered in Acrylics, Oil, and Mixed-Media, among others. Please note that topics related to Web, Web Development, IT Services and more are covered on the parent website – services .The same applies to work  involving web and desktop publishing, graphic design, logos, press kits, etc. Feel free to explore, as we are open all day and night.

If you have any questions of available artworks, please contact me.  need specific guidance on style, vision, or problem-solving related to your work, please don’t hesitate to ask. Interested in a particular style? I am happy to share insights on color theory, space, dimension, and more.

For a full listing of artworks available, please reach out. The works below are not in any particular  order and availability may vary. Most pieces are acrylic, pen and ink, or mixed media. There are very few oil paintings remaining. It’s worth noting that some pieces are in storage or no longer under-glass. However, if you are interested, please do reach out.


Thirdly, to clarify, my work is fluid, please ask about artwork we store in house. Others might have sold, or donated at this point. The reason? Take away, there are pieces available for purchase… where others have been purchased, bartered, or lost. Way of the world I guess, please call if you’re interested in a piece or would like something new.

You can my latest work online, design work, other pieces, work in progress artwork, studies and mixed-media projects. Or others on my X account, @sallee_creates. Finally, this doesn’t mean we can’t replicate or reproduce these one-off pieces, in some cases, we can start anew, where applicable or necessary! Be sure to like us or share a comment; you get the picture, right!

Connect With Us Phone, Email or through our contact form.