Water Birds

Now, Pelicans, Herons, Storks and Egrets

A Study of Water Birds

Birds In The Water, Three Pelicans

Artwork – Water Birds Series

Bird Study, pelicans, egrets, heron, ibis and others around the shore

Hunting and Gathering, Around The Water
Bird B/W

Pelican B/w

On the Water

Heron On The Water

Birds Close Up

Heron Close Up

Highlighting various bird species through acrylics and photography. Below are a couple of shots of herons in and around the lake taken via drone – DJI Phantom 4 ProV2. For product information and technical specifications, visit DJI’s website. In the future, I will release a number of sketches, additional photos, and illustrations that will be available in print through Amazon eBooks and Print. Exciting things are on the horizon as we move into the latter part of 2024.

Birds, specifically ‘shore’ birds are one of my favorite species to cover. Herons, Storks, look (mostly) Jurassic or what I imagine life being like in those times. That said, I had followed a few Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias) and one, maybe more than one Shoebill Stork (Baleniceps rex) in and around the Florida waterways.

Now, there is a bit of a symbiotic relation to a family of ducks near by. Unfortunately, for the ducks at times, I noticed the herons’ (predators) came around duck seasonal migrations. There were enough small fish, turtle and such to sustain a Blue Heron or two, Osprey and Shoebill Stork. In that same vain, the birds took full advantage of a specific food source, duck eggs and ducklings in around the same waterways I was fishing. As you can imagine, the predators were looking for a vulnerable, nutrient-rich food source. I digress, the point, I had the opportunity to study, watch and learn large, solitary birds do what they do.

Stay tuned for more updates. You can also view my latest sketches and artwork on X @sallee_creates for progression photos, or explore other pieces under the artwork category.