The Legend of Zelda Video

The Legend of Zelda Video

Zelda – Grumble, Grumble

Lab Work – The Legend Of Zelda Video – Golden Cartridge

“Grumble, Grumble” (reference noted above) Everyone needs a little 80s gamer nostalgia; The Legend Of Zelda Video – @gmegrumps.

What’s there to say about The Legend of Zelda? It’s the original Golden Cartridge, the original combat, action RPG (don’t shoot the messenger). It should be considered the first action RPG type game… creating the genre of games we mostly see today or classify as action RPGs. I think that is where the genre was defined, moving away from the sword and boomerang attacks. There is plenty of strategy, role playing and action… just saying for those who care that others classify this game as a “hack’n slash”, “beat’em” up…. It’s all of those, but, more so an action RPG, hence the strategies around “speed running” Zelda. You have got to give it to game designers Miyamoto and Tezuka… as it was one of the first games and what I consider one of the best action RPG adventures.

Let’s move on from here. The game is awesome and get’s better the more you play. Learning the puzzles and strategies is key to this Action RPG genre, The Legend of Zelda being a defining game. But I digress!

Find the whistle, beat up the ‘Grumble Grumble’ guys and save the Hyrule once and for all securing the Triforce… therefore saving Princess Zelda. There is far more to the story, but do your due diligence where applicable.(watching the play-through again as I rewrite this story).

The last Zelda game I played was Zelda: Ocarina of Time… in ’98. What a jump from ’86 to ’98. Anyhow, I’d like to play both games again, at some point. Thanks to @GameGrumps for the play-through, game content, and more!

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