The Typhoon and Mini-Typhoon, an epic group of radio controlled hovercraft(s) by Tyco. Epic 90’s electronics, hovercraft nostalgia.

Typhoon Video

Typhoon Video

Tyco Typhoon Hovercraft

Tech | Tools – Typhoon Video

The Typhoon Hovercraft is a Radio Controlled (RC) hovercraft…

Wait, what? RC HOVERCRAFTS ARE REAL! Who knew? Tyco does!

Let’s begin with a history lesson. Today, I fly drones of all shapes and sizes and have my FAA Part_107 license, so I can operate anything under 49 lbs… safely. There were two RC toys or models that I wanted growing up, the Tyco Typhoon and a classic RC helicopter.

I’m not sure why, but my love for RC vehicles led me to fly drones today.Let’s talk about the Tyco Typhoon. It was an incredible machine. Take a look at the video. What stands out to you the most? RC hovercrafts(that’s the correct answer). This was one of my first and only “teenage/adult”-ish toys growing up. It had real NiMH and NiCd Batteries not just 15 D batteries, a reliable, true remote transmitter and everything you needed to have for a 10 minute run over cement, dirt, water, ice, or hardened snow (like an igloo).

It was about the durability, the consistency of the drive, the controllability, agility. The more kid-friendly versions had limited controls, maybe just forward and backward, with a turn function built into the reverse setting. Or, in some cases, just a “go” button. The more advanced RC vehicles had a trigger and steering wheel, some of which are still in use today (FrSky, DumboRC, Radiolink, etc.) For more information, you can check

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