Troubleshooting, is just that, problem solving, a process to better solve problems – form a hypothesis, test, learn and apply. Explore change.

Ender Upgrade Adhesion Issue

Adhesion Issues, Bed Temp

Latest Ender Chaos

Ender Issue 26

Lab Work – Humor Is The Only Way Sometimes

The Lead, 6 hour+ print chaos; let’s address and tackle these Ender Upgrade Adhesion Issues. We will put the Halot Sky Resin vat cover issue, on hold and focus on the Ender 3 Neo Max bed adhesion problems. It has taken over 5 hours to troubleshoot, with fans running and a cooling bed plate. There are numerous issues to tackle!

Let’s Troubleshoot
Extruder Pressed Down

Extruder Pressed Down

Bed Inspection

Bed Inspection

Extruder Removed

Extruder Removed

Sensor Globule

Sensor Globule


Heating Element


Close Up

Track Bands Off

Track Bands Off

Missing Tension Knobs

Missing Tension Knobs

Extruder Into Plate

Extruder Pushing Plate

Current Status, Visual Check

Secondly, we are missing hand-tension screws and tension belts. There is a literal mess of PLA covering 60% or more of the printer, extrusion head, bed and assembly. Fortunately, I walked in post-print as a tension belt was in the process of removing itself from the printer head.

That concludes the visual inspection portion of the Ender Upgrade Adhesion Issue. Moving forward, we have the printer head back together, PLA cleaned off, tension belts applied. Next and not captured below, replace adhesion plate, tension screws, and restart the machine for calibration. Look for update posts here in the next day or two.

What is the purpose of the print? I wanted to put a cover on the Halot Sky (V1) Resin vat, but I am not sure where the original cover might have gone – it could have been misplaced, broken, scrapped or lost. More importantly, the print itself was lost. From the perspective of the ‘pressman’, the printable seems to have failed to adhere to the build plate. After checking the settings, it was discovered that the ironing was off, and the printer head was buried into the print plate. This is not good for the printer or its parts. Additionally, there was a concerning sound of tension belts releasing and printer head/plate friction. However, the print fix is currently being fixed, and we will provide an update at a later date or time.

Finally, we replace build plate, hand screws, springs, restart/update firmware and calibration.

Ender Filament and Adhesion Issues

Filament Challenges and More

Print Plate Surface Adhesion and Heating Issues

3D Printer Adhesion Issues with PLA and TPU

Lab Work – Ender Issues Defined

A few more weeks of Ender issues…

Ender Filament and Adhesion Issues, are causing a delay in the TPU Neo Max upgrade progress. I will be sharing more Ender ‘lite’ issues, as we continue the TPU trial and face filament challenges. The filament change was primarily for lab work on bait designs and future locking mechanisms where TPU will be more appropriate. Despite this tangent, core printing has not ceased, I am still facing challenges with PLA.

Ender Filament and Adhesion Issues

There are countless issues that seem infinite at the moment. Everything from  Creality Software to Ultimaker Cura, Sonic Pad issues, filament running temp, and new surface temperature problems… we have a lot of cover. I will break these down into 2 or 3 new posts over the next week. We will also revisit surface adhesion. Surface adhesion and surface temperature seem to be causing most of the issues on the Ender Max Neo. I must admit, tinkering doesn’t always result in perfect prints, even 60% to 80% of the time. I won’t argue, I’ll just focus on testing… the more runs, the better chance we have of increasing that 60% likelihood of successful prints.

Pictures will follow,  as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. The pictures will be shared to specifically cover thickness, fragility and test prints. Let’s get to printing!

Halot Sky Break-fix

Halot Troubleshooting Break-fix

Creality Halot Sky – Resin Liner Change Out

Halot Sky vat liner

Lab Work – Working Out The Bugs, Halot Sky Resin Printer

Before you begin you own 3D printing, journey, including purchasing a 3D printer, we need to discuss break-fix: the Halot Sky Break-fix which follows up on the LCD replacement just a few months ago. It is crucial to understand how to maintain and troubleshoot printers. The same applies to addressing major printing issues, such as breaking down the entire printer to the board level. This also includes dealing with misprints, which can occur frequently. Proper care, cleaning, and resin management are essential tasks, including swapping resin liners and cleaning resin drips meticulously. 

Liner Change
Liner Frame

Liner Frame

New Liner

New Liner

Attached are few sneak peek video clips and photos of our latest test prints and demos. We have some ‘real-world’ solutions coming soon. More creations on 3D software and 3D applications such as TinkerCad, Autodesk – AutoCad, Creality (design) software, SolidWorks and more. We have started with TinkerCad and AutoCad so that we can print prototypes and  finish products within a few hours. Got any ideas? Need 3d prints? Leave us a comment or drop us a line on the Connect. Please include: file type, filament, sizes etc. Let’s see what we can come up with! As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?


Galaxy Update

Samsung Galaxy S215G

SG21 5g

Lab Work – Samsung S vs. iPhone Series Hardware

Our S215G Experience, more performance, less pain to privacy with optional dualSIM card capability. Choose wisely young Skywalker; Pain-to-Privacy, Cost-to-Performance, our take on the matter.

U-Turn Ahead

Update* The decision was changed, while we chose the S215G over iPhone11/iPhone12/S22 and the idea worked in theory… The reality here is dual SIM cards are a ‘go’ on S10 and S22, not on the S20. Quick U Turn here as the S20 swap takes place, swapped out for the S21. Ultimately, the choice is the standard size, S22+ or Ultra not an ideal size for our needs. Again, the device is not the latest, nor the greatest; it’s the best for our needs.

Galaxy Series 22 | 22+, here is the comparison page that’s nice to start with –
S Model Comparison – 22 Ultra, 22+ and S21

A Move Toward S21

After many, many, many months of testing. retesting, and learning more about eSims or (electronic SIM cards), we were able to maintain ownership of the latest software and hardware. After evaluating performance and cost, we ultimately decided on the S21.

The S21 coasts better battery life than the S10 with a dualSIM option or hybrid sim option allowing for multiple numbers on a single device. It also offers 5G cellular service, and upgrades to the hardware, display, camera, when compared to other S models.

Compared to other Samsung models like the Flip or fold, as well as devices from Pixel (Google), Xperia (Sony) and iPhone, the S Model remains affordable in a touch device-saturated market. It is top of its class in terms of usability, user experience, control, privacy*, and bloatware.


When considering ROI, it is important to look at comparable ROI in the market in terms of price and performance. An emphasis is placed on privacy, with the goal being to maintain and secure the device without having to depend on Samsung, Google, or other third-party hacks for security. While this may require a lot of effort, the benefits in terms of privacy make it worth the pain. The balance between pain and privacy is becoming increasingly important and cannot be ignored.

Anyhow, check out comments, do you research… iOS 16 is out now, good luck!

EMAX Fix – Part 1

EMAX Repair Start

Hack-A-Thon Part 1

eMax TH2

Lab Work – EMAX Fix – Part 1

On The Bench – TH2

Assess The Damage, Teardown

Back from the airfield, EMAX Fix – part 1. Be sure to check out the rebuild of in this series in the EMAX Quad Motor Rewire Video posted just before.

The airfield was clear, with no traffic, especially over in the helicopter and quadcopter area, so we were good to go. I unpacked the TH2 from its flight bag, got it out and up in the air with no problems.  After a final check of the batteries and controller, we were ready to go. The weather was clear, and according to the flight radar, it was a clear day with mild temperatures and wind gusts of around 2-5mph. So, up we go!

Reattach Antennae

Reattach Antennae

Solder Antennae

Solder Antennae

Antennae Position

Antennae Position

Lift is good, strong, and perhaps the easiest part of controlling the drone in flight. These drones when properly tuned , offer a smooth and vanilla flight experience. Be sure to check out the binding process using BetaFlight to bind/connect the flight controller to the remote.

There are a lot of things happening at once when flying the EMAX drones. You have to be mindful of your location, both as you ascend and descend. The flight went well, as planned/expected. I did a few loops, full power, turns, and hard bankings just to set the pace. Don’t forget to check the battery warning before your flight.

Power Leads, LED’s

Clip Leads


Resolder Leads


Clean Power Leads


Set Leads Properly


LED Seated

Now, at this point it was time to bring the TH2 home safely. As you can imagine, trouble came knocking. Damage report, minor issues included 2 LED strips out, severed antenna, severed power leads loose (+positive lead), and burned or malformed poly-frame. We fixed the issues by clipping and prepping for new wires, ordering new LED strips and poly frame, replacing the antenna, re-soldering leads, and shrink-wrapping wires where applicable.

Similar Emax status update, time has moved on since the original article and I wanted to share additional Emax content where applicable. If you’re looking for Emax content,  give these a shot (in reverse order from this postings date) – ReFit Emax Flight Controller, Emax Fix Part 1 (this article) and Part 2, Quadcopter Rewire, and the TinyHawk 2

Wrap Up Part 1

Find EMAX parts, and more, through our Amazon Affiliate links, or visit the  EMAX – US Store. For additional reference, check out the UAV Performance software used to update and run the EMAX TH and FRSky Taranis QX7s controller or more from the devs of Betaflight. Own it and have fun!

EMAX Fix – Part 2

TH2 Repair In Progress

eMax Fix – Hack-A-Thon Part 2

eMax TH2

Lab Work – eMax Fix – Part 2

On The Bench – EMAX Tiny Hawk 2

In this case, we are addressing the second half of the build. Just to clarify or set the stage we have returned from the airfield with the eMax TinyHawk 2 in disparate need of repair. this is eMax Fix – Part 2. This is not the first time, nor the last time we will have this drone on the bench for repair. If you are interested in getting into drone flying, check out more EMAX Drone Kits, Drones and more here.

Total Damage, Repair

While difficult, soldering in new, nano-sized parts on these micro drones requires serious patience. Looking back, the drone may have encountered a gust of wind or air under the drone motor poly-frame; it’s hard to say. The crash wasn’t as severe as others, but the drone ended up sustaining more damage than usual. We’ve had to replace a fan blade, FC, or motor from time-to-time, but nothing like this.

Power On, Visual and Manual Checks, Power Down
Solder Confirmed

LED’s Confirmed

LED Check

Power On Chimes

Power Down

Remove Battery

Read eMax Part 1 if you would like. Also, be sure to watch the successful rebuild video for this series EMAX Quad Motor Rewire Video which was posted just before the wrap-up article.

Additionally, similar Emax status update, time has moved on since the original article and I wanted to share additional Emax content where applicable. If you’re looking for Emax content,  give these a shot (in reverse order from this postings date) – Drone AccessoriesReFit Emax Flight Controller, and TinyHawk 2.  

Wrapping up the final steps, we encountered a few minor issues: 2 LED strips out, the antenna, replace positive and negative power leads, same for two of the motor wires, and a burnt out/malformed poly-frame. To fix these issues, we clipped and prepped for new wires, ordered new LED strips and a new poly frame, replace the antenna, re-soldered leads, and shrink-wrapped wires where applicable.

Learn & Apply

Are you Results Driven, How do you become Results Driven?

Being A Results Driven Organization

Learn & Apply with ease

Methodology – Learn & Apply

First, Learn & Apply… What was your hypothesis? How did you test it? What did you learn from the test results? Any viable ideas? Did you retest and test again? Do you need to test once more?

Secondly, the challenging part arises: where do we apply our learnings? Do we cease learning? The answer is certainly no. The question then becomes: when and where should you begin testing again once you’ve implemented a change, reduced redundancies, or enhanced system improvements? The time to learn is now. Or is it time to apply those findings elsewhere and make further adjustments to redundancies or system improvements? Does it sound as simple as that? 

Thirdly, there are often more questions than answers, so it’s important to always strive to learn and apply new knowledge. If we stop learning, our progress may also come to a halt. Remember, you have the power to make a difference in your business, with your people, and for your brand. Lastly, we advocate for achievable changes and encourage continuous testing. We test, retest, and test again to learn from behaviors, analyze results, and effectively implement change.

As usual, please leave a comment below and let us know what you’re thinking!


Test, Test, and Retest – Finding value

In The Lab - Test

Methodology – Test

Those of you who have partaken in usability test(s), have been to a usability center etc. You might recall the Usability Coordinator: [CRACKLING OVER THE RADIO] “((Testing)) ((Testing)) ((1)) ((2)) ((3))”

Many, many days spent in corp usability labs; fun times, good people. However, I felt sometimes the point was to justify change or boost numbers for change; in actuality it may have skewed the data. I digress!

Quickly, onto our fifth message here, this message is around ‘evaluation’ and ‘experimentation’… the value of, say an auto inspection, might reveal brake issues or failing tires. How often you inspect those tires or exam those brake parts, with determine cost of repair. How does this apply to your products and services?

Next, I prefer to test, (if money was no object), or I had the time to just test for the sake of testing I would do it. Fortunately, I’ve had the luxury of both. While working for myself and large corp. Goal is to find results both long-term and short-term, evaluations performed in my career. So, I guess the value in this article is the years spent testing, 24 years and counting. In that same vain, pilot studies, and small tests have value as well; working to reduce some cost, gain some efficiency over some defined length of time or duration.

Right? It’s probably why I test as often as I do, personally. The goal is to find  products and services that fit and make my life experience better or ‘buy funnel’. Oh, quick story, desktop vs mobile (those were fun, before mobile first or device agnostic design)… circa 1999-2000. Hundreds of users tested, mix results; more focused results were skewed as were the broader ‘organic’ type. Data is a funny thing. In hindsight, I can’t stress this enough, the value of analysis; is the value of the experiment itself.

Very High Level – Have problems, Find Solutions

I’ll keep it surface level, exploration is great for any number of things, seat belts, fire retardant blankets and safety clothing or fishing gloves. How would you retrieve your fish hook from a fishes mouth with out  kevlar gloves(I don’t go fishing without them). How about Gorilla Glass, how it splinters?  Apple Device failure, no warranty? Try for example, Apple Self Service Repair options will work for your situation. Or how much pressure it takes to cause a catastrophic glass failure. Or, take for example, a drone not working, DJI gimbal issue, we’ve got get out to the airfield and perform flight maneuvers requiring video or the act of actively capturing video in flight . Things I know to well.

I’ll confess, testing is a part of life, it’s how we learn. I would say often, do it regularly, try on your ‘off days’, try on your ‘on’ days and always retest if you can. The value is finding similarities to the experience you want your customers to have when they interact with your products and services. Re-do’s, as many times as you can; adjust your hypothesis, adjust your trajectory of change.

CBA – Cost-to-Benefit Analysis

Obviously in the real world, there is a point of diminishing return, but from a business justification, it’s a heck of a lot cheaper to fix a small sample assessment than fixing large, system level production changes; live. This goes for code, speeches, design, spelling, text messages, SMS, phone calls, or chat.

Lets’s explore the entire process, starting with hypothesizing (as highlighted in the previous article, active idea generation), then moving on to testing, learning & applying. We discuss these topics and more in our marketing and methodology articles covering possible changes, navigating challenges, improving vision, and knowing when to seek improvement or transformation. While there are many other topics to consider, let’s start here!

Once we complete our testing, we learn & apply our findings. As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Supreme Bar Review

Personalized Bar Exam Coaching via Supreme Bar Review

Supreme Bar Review

Lab Work – Supreme Bar Review

Try Supreme Bar Review, Get Help With The MPRE, Personalized Exam Coaching, Lectures and more.

Explore the premier reference resource in print, online lectures, tutoring options and workshops all within one learning platform. The owner, who is also the owner/operator of a family business, was looking to market the site differently. They wanted to clean up the website and enhance the database.

Further development included operating multiple parent and child sites concurrently driven by WPD, PHP, plugins and eCommerce solutions for online book sales. More details included Web • PHP(Backend) • DB • eCommerce/Shopping Cart. This was a crowning achievement for us at Sallee Technology. Additionally, we focused on building out the reference materials and shop experience, workshops, lectures and videos as mentioned earlier, making it all-encompassing.

It was a pleasure to work with Marc and his creations, glad to have had the chance to work with Mr. Rossen and family. For other law examples or looking for family planning, a local practice and Beachwood attorney, check out Madorsky Law Practice for legal help.

This was a time of great growth, transitioning traditional ‘reference materials’ and book products online while offering more dynamic resource and in-person learning opportunities with more versatile, global, consumable product offering. We aimed to solidify our position as the only source for bar examination preparation, study guides, lessons, and more. 

Before you go, explore other educational services and work associated with The University of Cal. BerkeleyCity YearUniversity School and more. Enjoy!