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CoC: Legend League Update

CoC: Legend League at 5000+ Trophies

SuperCell - League Update

Lab Work – Legends League

Legend League Update – Level 15, Hero Updates… theLegend League trophy push has ended for now, currently sitting at 5095 trophies. There is no need to continue pushing at the moment as I have upgrades to focus on: hero(s), defensive troops/buildings, new pets to upgrade.

Picking up where we left off, the latest post covered the new level 15 Townhall (TH) upgrade, new characters, pets and more… Since then, we’ve been battling it out, making a strong trophy push to see how far we can go without any trouble. The Legend League is different from normal play, with limitations on battles per day and trophy retention. We quickly found out that our clan and TH status are not ready for prime time. The Legend League it self is different, fun, and offers an interesting take on the game. However, it’s no joke. We are able to maintain around 100 trophies without losing or gaining, but this hinders our ability to upgrade. Our TH/clan setup needs some work before we can progress further in the league.

5000+ Trophy Push

This specific profile is different from my others, likely the most frequently used, and definitely has the most troop upgrades. However, anyone can reach the Legend League with some conditions. While any Clash of Clans member can push trophies past the 5000+ mark, the catch is that there are far many more maxed out players waiting to compete. The Cost-to-Benefit (CBA) or Return of Investment ROI) is mild when playing with a non-maxed clan, as no gold is lost. 

If you need to upgrade, my suggestion is to focus on dropping out and farming until you can max out your clan. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to earn money, elixir, or dark elixir to upgrade your Town Hall either. By participating in 8 battles a day, you will only receive rewards based on those battles. At the end of the day, the trophies you earn or lose will be added or subtracted from your total, and those who remain above 5000+ threshold will stay in the league. Currently,  I am just below 4800 trophies and on my way down, but I am still in the league. This experience has been a good test for my clan and Town Hall, both there is still much work to be done in order to compete in the Legend League. For more COC updates, Supercell changes, details, links, and more, continue to Clash On!

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