Grab the great Capcom classic, Street Fighter Series game. This iconic fighting game series has topped the charts of all fighting games and gameplay.

Street Fighter Returns

Any Street Fighter Fans Out There, Capcom or SNK?

Street Fighter 6(XBox/PC)

SF 30th Anniversary

Lab Work – Steam, XBox, VM Software, Street Fighter And More

It’s time… it’s time we embark on a new adventure, Street Fighter returns…

Systems Check: Parallels (checked), Windows 11 (checked), Steam (checked), Street Fighter… Street Fighter is up and running, first boot, and ready to go come Monday or Tuesday. It’s been about 20 years since my last play… Emulation and Steam are necessary now. Back in the day, I believe it was  Street Fighter – Capcom vs SNK during my undergrad years. I believe we are anticipating Street Fighter 6… I’m certain it will be fantastic. We will be playing the game on Xbox/PC (Asus Mini or MacOS Parallels {Win11 or Linux distribution}). Whichever runs better than the other or vice versa.

Drone Accessories
Steam Install

Steam Install

Steam Download

Steam Download

Street Fighter Load

Street Fighter Load

StreetFighter FLavors

Street Fighter Flavors

xBox Controllers

xBox Controllers

The point here is that I’ll get to it. Street Fighter Returns. It’s been over 20 years since I played my favorite game of all time. The first few were of the ‘all-time variety’. I started as a button smasher, then progressed to novice, and eventually became a skilled player. I’m not sure if I would call myself a gamer, but for the purposes of this post, I was the closest thing to the ‘idea Street Fighter gamer’… Perhaps it’s more nostalgia than practicality that gives it its legendary status.

Anyhow, I think we will tune up the Asus mini, and give it a go over the next few days or weeks. We have guitar, printer, and ‘on the bench’ fixes coming soon… Why not add a college favorite to the mix? We can also cover the Asus mini, MacOS Parallels (running Win11 and Linux) while we are at it.

Street Fighter II TURBO Video

Street Fighter Tournament

Calling All Street Fighter Fans

Lab Work – Street Fighter II TURBO Video

Let’s discuss some Street Fighter updates.

Let’s quickly get to the heart of the post, The Street Fighter II Turbo video, the series is my favorite fighting series, with the best combos and possibly ranking number one on the all time list. Mario Kart? NHL, I haven’t discussed NHL in a while, but it’s definitely in the top one or two games of all time.

My favorite character? Either Ryu or Ken. They have great strength and combo sets… If there’re already chosen, E Honda or Balanka would be my second choice. It’s important to have a strong second character just in case. Honestly, I can play with all the characters at this point.. but those are my favorites.

My favorite opponent? That would be Guile, I enjoy the stage, the background and his move set.

My favorite game in the series is SNK vs Capcom Street Fighter on Dreamcast.

My least favorite boss on The Street Fighter II Turbo game? Probably M. Bison followed by Balrog. Balrog can be a real challenge in SFII until you get used to his moves, then comes Sagat the kickboxer and M. Bison. M. Bison can be tough, until you figure out the patterns, combos and fighting strategy. Overall, all the characters are challenging until you grasp the basics like combos and patterns.

If you get a chance to play any games in this series, go for it. Street Fighter 2, 2 Turbo might be the best, followed by SNK vs Capcom and the new SF 6. In my opinion, SF 6 is very different from the earlier versions, including Street Fighter 1 back in 1987.

While the core is remains the same and character moves have starting points, the versions of the moves are different. The game has evolved over time, especially with the inclusion of specials. I’ll leave it at that.

Thanks to @RetroTech07, @Retro takes up this epic challenge, Street Fighter II Turbo walkthrough.