StarTrek, the SciFi ‘Pop Cult’ Television franchise started in 1966 by Gene Roddenberry. A series of tv shows, movies, books, merchandise and more.

BurmPy and R

Learn Py and R

Strengthen Your Knowledge with BurmPy and R


Lab Work – BurmPy and R

As mentioned a few weeks ago, it almost feels like it was more than a month ago now. WE have a few projects in progress or on the digital work-bench:,, and our R Programming deep dive. The same goes for Astrononymous, MBEMO and more.

There’s no need to grab a pitchfork for this Burmese Python (BurmPy). Consider this more of a heads up and a milestone as we continue to expand our educational series. We’ve already launched Bootstrap, html and JS. Now it’s times to shift our focus to the Python and R pipeline. It could be a good goal  to package these two languages (Python and R) along with JS. Please bear with us as we work on these projects in an iterative process.

That being said, we have already converted the Bootstrap reference site (Borg2borg website). The others will follow as we develop, build and release those projects. Good news – we have started to convert BurmPy, creating a future ‘home’ in our educational series at Like 1Fyr, Borg2borg and the others, this entity will also carry on the TWBS Bootstrap test case, using the latest Bootstrap build. So, more information will be coming in the coming weeks/months. Keep your eyes pealed.

More pictures are coming, please excuse the mess… Our Github code and ghists are always available. Unfortunately, we are working in the background to finish Burmpy screenshots, clean them up, and prepped are them for consumption.

borg2borg v7

Twitter Bootstrap v7

Borg2Borg Unit

Borg 2 Borg A Bootstrap Framework

Lab Work – Web Work

Bootstrap’n Journey number 412 version 7

I’ve been wanting to share this for awhile now, especially since version 5 has been out for some time. Borg2Borg v7 is now available and ready to use. It has been posted on the web. out and ready.

The sites mentioned above are intended for reference. Please treat those links as such; reference materials. The goal is to provide working templates for anyone to use and help others learn various coding languages, such as PHP.

Iterative Work in Progress

This is considered work in progress, code has been moved from our Git repository (moving away from Github). This code will live under the borg2borg domain for now. Please excuse the dust as some sites may require rework during the transition to the new space… However, we are transitioning away from Github. Therefore, website references like Borg2Borg v7 or reference materials will also be published on each specified domain. Additionally, we have started the conversion process, and all public/private/secret Ghists will be used as code references. Our goal is to assist people in learning code, such as Python, PHP, jQuery, JS, etc., for public consumption in the near term. We aim to meet and exceed our goals by providing code reference materials, coding examples, educating, and sharing language challenges and techniques with the masses. You will see coding examples presented in the following format or treated with Bootstrap HTML Treatment.

<h1> - PHP Print Example<h1>
<h3> - Calculate and Print<h3>

<?php print(1 + 2) * 3; }?>
Here is a quick PHP print statement, utilizing the Bootstrap code treatment for the purposes of an example, the console will calculate and print the calculation to the browser.

Again, for probably 2 months now or so, we’ve converted all Github/Ghists to a companion file within the site folder. Next step will include a conversion to a database. At least that is the goal, assuming time is available.

Same for Django, this might be ‘jumping the shark’ as I want to get a working version of Django up on the ole’ web-server and see what we can do from there. I guess the overarching goal is to offer language/code reference material and Bootstrap examples. Local examples, jQuery – Astrononymous, BurmPy and 1Fyr.

So, lots of work out there, ton of things to do, clearly… not enough time in the world to work on side projects. We will get there one day at a time. Enjoy!

Lego Board Housing

Board Box

Borg2Borg Lego Board Containment

Lego Borg Housing

Lab Work – Lego Board Housing

Lego Board Housing by Borg2Borg

Who’s in for our own @LEGO_Group –, Borg Housing? Anyone? Anyone? The goal of the group is to combine Lego and technology. For those who enjoy SciFi or Star Trek, you might appreciate the Borg references. So, imagine Legos and IoT boards coming together – BAM!

Lego Housing


HDMI Ports

HDMI Ports

Second Ties

Second Tie

Arrow Case

Arrow Case

Although small, the Lego BORG housing is truly impressive. It is my own version of the BORG spaceship, capable of holding two IoT boards the  @Raspberry_Pi #RPi4 And @Qualcomm #Snapdragon410C. I have also included a picture of the original Snapdragon case by Arrow – Snapdragon. Additionally, take a look a touch screen housing by Arrow – Touch Screen Housing. Comparing Arrow to the Lego Board Housing, Lego wins hands down! Both devices are currently running the latest version of Ubuntu IOT OS, allowing me to easily flash/re-flash Android and Ubuntu if necessary. It’s pretty cool. Or, if you’re looking for other work, like tear downs and Apple Repairs, check out those now.

Lastly, we create a variety of items out of Lego for the office, such as computer housing, controllers, train and IOS iPad Stands and other projects more. Give it a try, see what you can come up with!

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?