A portfolio is a compilation of academic and professional materials that exemplifies your skills, qualifications, and experiences.

Artwork Update

Various Sizes – Acrylic/Oil Based Paints, Mixed-Media

@sallee_creates Update on X

Lion In Solitude

Artwork – Mixed Media, Sketches and Artwork

It’s been awhile, let’s see what is going on, see our latest Artwork Updates on X.

I have to admit it’s been months since I shared any artwork or mixed-media projects, or provided any insight into my creative process. While I’ve shared a few marketing ads here and there, I haven’t shared anything on this scale in a while. I thought it might be interesting to share my before sketches,  unfinished work and even pieces that didn’t quite make the cut. So, here’s the idea.

20 Minutes A Day

I dedicate 20 minutes a day to my sketching, painting, mixed-media, and artwork preparation activities for new, in progress or pre-work. Most of my work is done in a few 5.5″ x 8.5″ sketchpads, which I will eventually transfer to canvas board, wood, or another medium. I’m not yet sure how I want to share these pieces moving forward; X, web or the combination of the two. This won’t be a comprehensive listing, but rather a good representation of the sketches and paintings I’m currently working on. Ultimately, I would like to showcase all of my work in some way, but for now, here’s a quick look at my artwork updates.

Mixed-Media and Artwork Updates
Switch Artwork Update


Buildings Art


Dark Night

Dark Night

Different Perspective

Different Perspective

Art of the Human Hip

Human Hip

Human Skeletal Form

Human Form

Toroidal Field Art

Toroidal Field



Next, you can have look over my other pieces, completed artwork, studies and mixed-media projects. In closing, this is just a continuation, more of a beginning on the site. I will continue to keep you all updated on my whereabouts, what I’m working on in terms of art/artwork, as well as things happening in and around the office here or what’s on the bench.

Currently, I am focusing some energy on around 40 smaller pieces. My goal is to continue sketching for at least 20 minutes per day. I am also planning to include more pieces featuring human anatomy, various animals, boats and aircraft. For those computer people from the internet, check out the ASCII Art post… very cool.

Finally, stay tuned. In the meantime, feel free to follow my work online @sallee_creates on X.com. Take a look, and follow me if you’d like. Cheers!

Explore Projects & Services

Projects & Services

Let’s Explore

Sallee Technology Web

Lab Work – Explore Services

Web Development, UX, SEO, Analytics and Hosting. Services and Clients – Supporting Long-Term Goals and Relationships

Trusted Partnership, Holistic Support

Let’s quickly discuss what you will find in this section. We will explore various projects, services, clients and customers that encompass a wide range of recent work and loyal customers. Highlighting customers with specific needs such as UX/UI work, consulting, full redesigns, back-end development or database work.

In short, a list of specific services and support provided includes: Website Design (Low-Fi & Hi-Fi) implementations, Development, CMS, eCommerce, UX, SEO/Ranking Influence, and Social Media Management.

Payment Systems include – PayPal and Stripe

Web Services and Hosting, options include Shared/Dedicated (On-Prem./Cloud)
cPanel, SSL-Certs, MySQL Databases, phpMyAdmin, Domain Management. New or Existing, Add-on Domains, Sub-Domains, Redirects, and DNS, Webmail, Redirects, and Back/Restore Services

Hosting providers include HostGator, BlueHost, SiteGround, DreamHost, Cari.net, GoDaddy, and more.

Long-Term Relationships

Although a full list of clients and services can be detailed here, those companies and brands can be presented upon request. We wanted to tease a few notable clients.

We focus on ongoing partnerships, exploring projects and services described above on a daily basis. Our goal is to build long-term relationships, brand loyalty and provide concierge-level service. Commercial, public and consulting contract customers will also be shared upon request.

We have worked with single-person entities, small businesses, Global Corporate Fortune 50 businesses and public services. Privacy is of great importance for our current and recent customers.

Special thanks to the following personal friends, business entities and organizations. Electrotek, Fortune Meadows + Cardinal Health + NBRAN Framework + Lynch Family Ventures + Virtual Hold Technologies + Harvard University Alumni + Sarasota Tsunami Swim Team + The Pedal Militia + Berkeley Alumni + Douglas & The Goodharts + Supreme Bar Review + The Xpat Desk + CILL + Cleveland Demons + Kennedy Lacrosse + Lefty Lacrosse + Greater Cleveland Lacrosse + RGWay Painting Contractor + Sallee Farms + Beachwoodlegal.com + ORC-DC + NEOUPA + AIGA

Other Services and Project Information

Looking for more information on Sallee llc – Technology, interested in learning more about us and our services? Browse our servicing content, click to learn more: Our Trusted Services and Business Services.


Acrylic Switch Series

Artwork – Switch (acrylics)

Zoomed In Housing Vents

Lab Work – Switches

Back At It Again, The Light Switch Series is now underway, in Progress

It’s a start. Switch has begun, and acrylics are now on canvas. It’s been awhile since I last used a paintbrush on canvas. Lately, I’ve been spending more time on the sketchpad. A year or two ago, I sketched out a few smaller ideas, before moving to stretched canvas around the office. Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of smaller pieces. My preference for canvas size is 24″ (rectangle) and above. So, we are sowing new growth. For more of my work, check out the following links – Movement, Sun Study, and more under the acrylics tag.

It’s a start. This will probably be a 5 to 6 part series on the same subject, in this case, an old light switch. Who knows, I may decide to scale up a number of sketches at some point, once the direction is set and the subject matter gets ironed out. The latest revisions and work will be posted via X @sallee_creates so check it out!

Take a look it’s a bit difficult to determine exactly what it is right now, but it’s there… Stay tuned for updates in the coming months! 

Navigating Challenges

Tenacity, Strength, Vision and Teamwork

Navigating Challenges, Issues and Blockers

Navigating Trail Challenges

Adverts – Working Around Challenges, Solutions Ahead

Find new trails, blaze new paths and navigate challenges while keeping your goals in mind. Whether they are large or small, keep them close to you. Find and focus on your vision.

Keep your goals at the forefront of your mind, concise and focused. Keep them simple; don’t be afraid to aim high (in the the corporate world, the call them stretch goals). The key is to navigate challenges, and continue dreaming. Whether your goal is big or small, something different, a catalyst for change. When facing obstacles, seek out the new opportunities they present. Embrace change, recognizing its impact on core business functions and eliminating any unnecessary redundancies. Our goals are interconnected, weaving through the ups and downs, the obstacles and smooth paths, the challenges and successes. Keep your eyes up, looking ahead, and work diligently to discover new routes. Navigating challenges can be made easier by finding solutions and practicing patience during difficult times. Stay resilient, demonstrating strength and perseverance, and surround yourself with a team that can help you overcome obstacles together.

Follow us on X, @salleetech

Clouds Ahead, Understand Growth

Keep It Simple, when there are Clouds Ahead, Understand Growth

What’s On The Horizon? Learn Something New, Remove Issues, Eliminate ‘Blockers’, and Reduce the Negative.

Sallee Technology llc Ads - See What's On The Horizon

Adverts – The Value Of Vision

Aim Small, See Beyond; Eyes On Target. Take note of the clouds ahead and understand the need for growth. This could be seen as a metaphor for recognizing trouble and having clear indicators and strategies in place to maintain service on a large scale. 

It’c crucial to understand the value of working with a close-knit team, whether it’s a small group or a global one, that is focused on the present moment. Understand the importance of servicing with a tight-knit crew, single member or a global team focused on the present moment. In all seriousness, the size of the team should match the scale and severity of the problem at hand. Learn how to increase your profits, learn about potential growth during challenging times. Explore different types of growth, such as stagnant growth, and find solutions based on your current resources and staff.

If I may offer a suggestion, let’s keep things simple – empower those around you, work with what you have, learn a new skill, and improve the team, whether it’s a solo project or a corporate design team, every day. We seek change, but change at a fundamental level, not just on the surface. The key is to enhance true value, the potential of humanity. Empower those around you, even in times of trouble and turmoil. Understand the scale of business and learn to navigate change effectively.


Nautilus Shells, Reeds; Move In Nature

The Study of Movement


Artwork – Movement

As more paintings come out of storage, we will be sharing acrylic and oil art form in the backlog. Check out the motion series posted under artworks, which celebrates the concept of motion in various forms – whether in life, through sound, or in other worldly ways. The goal is to capture movement, light, emotion and action.

Below you will find a mix of mixed-media and acrylic works that study water elements, creatures, the night sky, and radio signals in motion. See More Artwork

The Nautilus

The Nautilus

Shell Of A Nautilus

Shell Of A Nautilus

Reeds Moving In The Water

Reeds Dancing In The Water

Moving Shell

Shell Reflection

Shell Structure In Light

Shell Structure In Light

Change, the alpha standard

Change, the alpha standard

Radio In Motion

Radio In Motion

Finally, the movement study has grown over the years, more pieces than most. I hope you enjoyed the Movement study, and would like to interest you in our other works. To learn more, you can do a quick search (or click the eyeglass icon and search terms like ‘ artwork ‘) for the artwork we’ve made available. At some point, we will post our work to social, you can find a link here @salleetech. If you’re not on X, sign up today!

Sun Study


Rise and Set, Sun Study

Sunset Study

Artwork – Sun Study Series

Raise and shine! Or Another sun set, sun cascading over the rolling water, salt, and sand. Let’s start, there are a number pieces to this study, more paintings to the Sun Study, mix media pieces etc., currently unearthing those from storage. Here we have a series of light; sun/sun sets etc.

Light. These pieces focus on the light (oppose to dark) from a certain light source, the sun and how it falls on objects, land, or water. For now, the following sunset works will serve as a storage/archive for the series. Created in various sizes, using acrylics and different mediums, we delve into the exploration of the sun.

More Light
Sunset Later In The Evening

Later In The Evening

Sunset On The Island

On The Island

Now let’s focus on more content, additional content/art will be added later, so please check back at some point. I’m a fan of the light and colors created at dusk and dawn; just before and after the best light for photographs.

Lastly, take a look at my latest sketches, more sketches that further define the sun study and artwork on X and progression of photos. You can also explore our pieces and artwork in the artwork category.

Sallee Technology

Sallee Technology Advertisements

Sallee Technology llc Ads

Adverts – Connect With Us

Sallee Technology’s, new digital and print ads are now live. We will be releasing more ads throughout the remaining quarters of 2023. We are pleased to announce the we have been accepted as new Manatee County Chamber of Commerce, Better Business Council.  For more details, you can learn about the BBC and my fellow members – https://issuu.com/manateechamber/docs/bbc_directory_2024_online – 2024 BBC Membership Directory! We want to express our gratitude to those who worked with the membership committee on our behalf. We are happy to be a part of the council, with the goal of further assisting the local market and supporting start-ups.

To achieve this goal, we will continue our advertising efforts in the local markets of Manatee County, Sarasota, Siesta Key and so on. Celebrating startups and small business!

Sallee Technology 1/2 Page Ad


A jQuery Research and Guide

Learn JQuery with Astrononymous

Astrononymous Main

Lab Work – Astrononymous

Become A JQuery GURU via Astrononymous (Astro-Non-Ymous)

Web • TWBS4 Twitter Bootstrap V4 • TWB & jQuery Development Guide* • Business/Marketing Analytics • Hosting • Webmail • SEO Search Engine Optimization

*Please note, astrononymous.com is CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. This is a long-term guide in progress, a jQuery guide or study tool if you will. At the moment, most of the build stories, content remain in the backlog. However, the main Bootstrapped theme, index, and subpages are available or in production. This has a long-term build tag, so, patience is needed of course. Just need a little time “Scotty” (Startrek reference about not having enough power from the core power unit to speed off into space. For context, the famous character, Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Chief Engineer on the original U.S.S. Enterprise). Why is this reference relevant, it’s a reference to Scotty’s ability to make stuff work; make miracles happen. Check back in a few months, we should be up and running.

More jQuery development is on the way, as mentioned, it is a work in progress. I would be remiss not to redirect your attention to our other designs and website builds on X @salleetech. If you are looking for more web work or other pieces of artwork, they can be found under the tag portfolio.


BurmPy, Learn Python

A Burmese Python Code References

Burmese Python - BurmPy

Lab Work – BurmPy


Web • TWBS5 Twitter Bootstrap V5 • TWB & Python Build Guide* • User Analytics • Hosting • Search/SEO Search Engine Optimization

Please note, Burmpy.com is CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. We are still ‘moving around’ global elements on the core Python section and guide section, along with its counterparts, Basics, Advanced, and DB/More.

BurmPy Build
BurmPy Home


Core Code

Core Code

Hello World

Hello World

Adv Code

Adv Code

You’ll see however, that basic structure is there, BS V5 elements, usage etc. Main nav, content and secondary nav for secondary content are included. Time is always an issue, so I ask for your patience in providing the necessary time to sort out the most important Python elements, groom said elements, and publish code as we build the site. Today, we have next steps as the intro, Core Python, Advanced and DB (more), putting us in good shape on rails to deliver new content in a productive manner, adhering to deliverable schedule or track for now.

Development will continue, shipping pieces and parts on the regular and as we build, test and publish elements to the site (iteratively). Including the welcome content, ‘hello world’ and core code elements. That way we can build over time, add what needs to or removed what is deprecated (removed from the standard code) via Python.org. We do want to include this guide, same TWBS v5 elements as the others, those will also be groomed and updated on the site as we ship pieces and parts.

One final note, we may transition this into a WordPress CMS site for ease of use and content management, including updates on new code or removed (deprecated, no longer supported elements) Python elements/code. We could likely get the core elements up faster than hand coding the site. More to come.