Bootstrap straight from the horses mouth, the most popular html, css and js library in the world. MIT License, web platform by Otto and Thornton


A jQuery Research and Guide

Learn JQuery with Astrononymous

Astrononymous Main

Lab Work – Astrononymous

Become A JQuery GURU via Astrononymous (Astro-Non-Ymous)

Web • TWBS4 Twitter Bootstrap V4 • TWB & jQuery Development Guide* • Business/Marketing Analytics • Hosting • Webmail • SEO Search Engine Optimization

*Please note, is CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. This is a long-term guide in progress, a jQuery guide or study tool if you will. At the moment, most of the build stories, content remain in the backlog. However, the main Bootstrapped theme, index, and subpages are available or in production. This has a long-term build tag, so, patience is needed of course. Just need a little time “Scotty” (Startrek reference about not having enough power from the core power unit to speed off into space. For context, the famous character, Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Chief Engineer on the original U.S.S. Enterprise). Why is this reference relevant, it’s a reference to Scotty’s ability to make stuff work; make miracles happen. Check back in a few months, we should be up and running.

More jQuery development is on the way, as mentioned, it is a work in progress. I would be remiss not to redirect your attention to our other designs and website builds on X @salleetech. If you are looking for more web work or other pieces of artwork, they can be found under the tag portfolio.


BurmPy, Learn Python

A Burmese Python Code References

Burmese Python - BurmPy

Lab Work – BurmPy


Web • TWBS5 Twitter Bootstrap V5 • TWB & Python Build Guide* • User Analytics • Hosting • Search/SEO Search Engine Optimization

Please note, is CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. We are still ‘moving around’ global elements on the core Python section and guide section, along with its counterparts, Basics, Advanced, and DB/More.

BurmPy Build
BurmPy Home


Core Code

Core Code

Hello World

Hello World

Adv Code

Adv Code

You’ll see however, that basic structure is there, BS V5 elements, usage etc. Main nav, content and secondary nav for secondary content are included. Time is always an issue, so I ask for your patience in providing the necessary time to sort out the most important Python elements, groom said elements, and publish code as we build the site. Today, we have next steps as the intro, Core Python, Advanced and DB (more), putting us in good shape on rails to deliver new content in a productive manner, adhering to deliverable schedule or track for now.

Development will continue, shipping pieces and parts on the regular and as we build, test and publish elements to the site (iteratively). Including the welcome content, ‘hello world’ and core code elements. That way we can build over time, add what needs to or removed what is deprecated (removed from the standard code) via We do want to include this guide, same TWBS v5 elements as the others, those will also be groomed and updated on the site as we ship pieces and parts.

One final note, we may transition this into a WordPress CMS site for ease of use and content management, including updates on new code or removed (deprecated, no longer supported elements) Python elements/code. We could likely get the core elements up faster than hand coding the site. More to come.

BurmPy and R

Learn Py and R

Strengthen Your Knowledge with BurmPy and R


Lab Work – BurmPy and R

As mentioned a few weeks ago, it almost feels like it was more than a month ago now. WE have a few projects in progress or on the digital work-bench:,, and our R Programming deep dive. The same goes for Astrononymous, MBEMO and more.

There’s no need to grab a pitchfork for this Burmese Python (BurmPy). Consider this more of a heads up and a milestone as we continue to expand our educational series. We’ve already launched Bootstrap, html and JS. Now it’s times to shift our focus to the Python and R pipeline. It could be a good goal  to package these two languages (Python and R) along with JS. Please bear with us as we work on these projects in an iterative process.

That being said, we have already converted the Bootstrap reference site (Borg2borg website). The others will follow as we develop, build and release those projects. Good news – we have started to convert BurmPy, creating a future ‘home’ in our educational series at Like 1Fyr, Borg2borg and the others, this entity will also carry on the TWBS Bootstrap test case, using the latest Bootstrap build. So, more information will be coming in the coming weeks/months. Keep your eyes pealed.

More pictures are coming, please excuse the mess… Our Github code and ghists are always available. Unfortunately, we are working in the background to finish Burmpy screenshots, clean them up, and prepped are them for consumption.

borg2borg v7

Twitter Bootstrap v7

Borg2Borg Unit

Borg 2 Borg A Bootstrap Framework

Lab Work – Web Work

Bootstrap’n Journey number 412 version 7

I’ve been wanting to share this for awhile now, especially since version 5 has been out for some time. Borg2Borg v7 is now available and ready to use. It has been posted on the web. out and ready.

The sites mentioned above are intended for reference. Please treat those links as such; reference materials. The goal is to provide working templates for anyone to use and help others learn various coding languages, such as PHP.

Iterative Work in Progress

This is considered work in progress, code has been moved from our Git repository (moving away from Github). This code will live under the borg2borg domain for now. Please excuse the dust as some sites may require rework during the transition to the new space… However, we are transitioning away from Github. Therefore, website references like Borg2Borg v7 or reference materials will also be published on each specified domain. Additionally, we have started the conversion process, and all public/private/secret Ghists will be used as code references. Our goal is to assist people in learning code, such as Python, PHP, jQuery, JS, etc., for public consumption in the near term. We aim to meet and exceed our goals by providing code reference materials, coding examples, educating, and sharing language challenges and techniques with the masses. You will see coding examples presented in the following format or treated with Bootstrap HTML Treatment.

<h1> - PHP Print Example<h1>
<h3> - Calculate and Print<h3>

<?php print(1 + 2) * 3; }?>
Here is a quick PHP print statement, utilizing the Bootstrap code treatment for the purposes of an example, the console will calculate and print the calculation to the browser.

Again, for probably 2 months now or so, we’ve converted all Github/Ghists to a companion file within the site folder. Next step will include a conversion to a database. At least that is the goal, assuming time is available.

Same for Django, this might be ‘jumping the shark’ as I want to get a working version of Django up on the ole’ web-server and see what we can do from there. I guess the overarching goal is to offer language/code reference material and Bootstrap examples. Local examples, jQuery – Astrononymous, BurmPy and 1Fyr.

So, lots of work out there, ton of things to do, clearly… not enough time in the world to work on side projects. We will get there one day at a time. Enjoy!

1fyr Bootstrap

Versioning Update,

1fyr Bootstrap v3

1FYR, 1 Fire, once a month

Lab Work – 1Fyr

**UPDATED** – 1Fyr TWBSv3 Update

It’s time, time to update the version for 1Fyr, 1Fyr Bootstrap v3. Like many things in this world, it was time for a  tune up, we are moving to Bootstrap v3. So, what does that mean?

Tune up includes, code clean up, the removal of any deprecated elements, code and/or elements no longer being supported moving forward. WP jargon went out with the ‘bath water’ as did some of the bloat.  V3 added a framework of sorts, adding Bootstrap framework to this site. With the code change, we’ve made some website improvements: show/hide div’s on the latest fire, archived videos presented in a more favorable fashion and the Jumbotron…

While the yard is being worked on per say, (2 months now) the fire concept has been put on ice to say the least. Again, which aloud me to refocus on the site, code tweaks and more. We kept it simple using TWBS v3. Once we get the backyard up and running again, we will post videos…

While we wait, or in the meantime. For the sake of historical reference and ultimately, how we got here. More information can be found here, about campfires and family time  on Or, you can stay here, and read about the 1Fyr build and/or 1Fyr updates.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Isle Tap & Tacos

IH – Local Restauranteur

Isle Tacos; Now Casa Masa-Fl

Lab Work – Island House Tap & Tacos

Isle Tap & Tacos – Web, Development, UX, SEO, Analytics & Hosting

Isle Group was a short-term design and development opportunity. I ran an online study and marketing site for yearly, analysis to examine local traffic and out of town impact/opportunity. Although the business has transitioned to a  new business model/ownership, and expanded to new locations, the taco and  smokehouse/bbq space presents another opportunity to explore for the business.

I collaborated with the Isle Tap & Tacos leadership to pinpoint social and web opportunities areas for improvement, website updates, SEO/Domain Strategy, and ways to simplify the customer experience to attract new and existing foot traffic to each restaurant.

IH Work
IH Tacos

IH Taqueria

IH Tap

IH Beach Grill

Great experience! Wishing Rob, Casa Masa and the IH teams the best of luck with the restaurants and their new beginnings. If you’re interested in seeing more of our work, including designs, web builds, quick sketches and inks, follow us on X @salleetech. You can also check out more portfolio work by searching for the portfolio tag.