Accessories, a thing which can be added to something or someone, in order to make it useful or attractive. Get some drone, computer, 3d etc. accessories

Drone Accessories

Grab Your Drones, Goggles and Transmitters – We Are Racing

New FrSky Taranis Q X7S, Quadcopter Blades, Batteries and Toggle Caps

Taranis Carbon Fiber Transmitter

Gear – Drone Accessories

Adding our at-home, indoor flight “program” (a little tongue-in-cheek), we have new accessories, transmitters and blades – let’s race!

With our Amazon order received,  we have a mixed lot of parts and accessories. It’s time to break out the racing drones again, as we needed a few bits and parts to get them flying just right. A new transmitter, a second FrSky Taranis QX7S (Carbon Fiber) Remote for a second racing drone along with blades and batteries. The goal was to fix what needed fixing and get ready for racing.

And racing we shall! With side-by-side flight, using dual transmitters, we can race real-time, with similar nano drones for indoor racing games. I’ve added toggle caps/covers for those new to quad racing – these caps provide pilots and hobbyists with visual cues and help reinforce muscle memory for which  toggles are active. This aids in remote usage and recognition during take off, flight, landing and crashes.

Lastly, we are in the process of turning over our battery collection, some of which are over 4 years old. A few have problems, but around 4 to 5 remain in good or optimal shape for flight. So,  with a few extra batteries (8 in total, 2 packs of 4 batteries) we can enjoy 15 – 20 minutes of real racing time, assuming normal flight ranges and pilot skill.

Drone Accessories
FrSky Transmitter

FrSky Case

New Taranis Transmitter

New Taranis Transmitter

Carbon Fiber Transmitter

Carbon Fiber Transmitter

Transmitter with Toggles

Transmitter with Toggles

Ready 4 Flight

Ready 4 Flight

Toggle Covers

Toggle Covers

Avan Blades

Avan Blades



Racing Drone

Racing Drone New Blades

Racing Drone

Racing Drone

Dual Racing Drones

Dual Racing Drones

For those of you interested in learning more about the drone hobby, or wanting to see more. I have one more resource for you: the Drone Racing League. The league flies all around the world, but more specifically the race in Germany. The league race took place at DHL Tower – Race 6 (EU), where drones are reaching speeds over 100mph and race skyward over skyscrapers, performing flips beyound your wildest imagination. The race features super high-end drones and professional pilots running quadcopter and competing for money! It’s crazy tech in action.

Other Drone Resources

If you’re new to quadcopter(s) and are wondering what to buy – drones, drone accessories etc., FPV (First Person View) flight, check out @Bardwells YouTube channel for all kinds of tips and fixes (my goto for FC and BetaFlight help). Most videos are extremely detailed, with the goal of getting you hooked! Shout out to Joshua, he’s a legend as his videos played a pivotal role in getting the EMAX drones bound to the original Taranis transmitter via BetaFlight. For parts, check out our shopping list, where I’ll post links to the quadcopter(s) (drones), parts, accessories and more.

We also have a number of articles on the subject matter; including the Emax TH2, drone repair, full-sized drone operation, video in flight and more. Feel free to preview those any time. Interested in a full sized video drone? Check out the DJI Phantom Pro series as well. 

Although it’s been months since we posted anything related to the Taranis Q RC transmitters, more can be found here. Also, if you’re interested in more Emax lab work this two part Emax Series – Part 1 and Part 2 is a great place to start. In order would be best to explore this content, or if you want to jump to the conclusion click on Part 2 for the fix.

Before we sign off, we have to plug our own shopping list, the drone accessories will be posted on the site shortly.

GTRacing Mesh

Mesh Back, Ergo Support, Full Recline and Leg Support

GTRacing Mesh

New GTRacing Ergonomic Gaming Chair Black/Black Mesh Back

Relax in the new GTRacing Mesh Back Ergonomic Gaming Chair,  which features a reclining mesh back, footrest, adjustable headrest, and lumbar support. This chair is a great option for those looking for a big and tall chair at little to no additional cost.

Purchase Your Own GTRacing Chair

Get the ‘black/black’ GTRacing Chair for your office, home office, maker-space or game room today! We were fortunate to inherit the previously gently used maker-space GTRacing chair, which will now live on in the gamer-space, alongside the PS5, featuring Logitech racing peripherals such as wheel, shifter, pedal pad and racing wheel stand. Meanwhile, the new GTRacing Ergonomic Mesh back chair will handle the heavy lifting as the daily driver.

This flexible, lightweight gaming chair is sure to keep you comfortable. Stable and cool, it’s ideal for those summer months. Lounge in luxury throughout the workday while maintaining a positive ergonomic body positioning. We’re looking at you, late night gamers, makers and nighttime creators. Spending long hours in a chair can be grueling, and for some, it’s a requirement depending on the type of work per se.

To all you makers, gamers, and influencers out there, if you’re a hobbyist of a kind, choose GTRacing. We’ve had great luck with GTRacing Chair Updates, and Office Furniture, see previous commentary and reviews…  ironically, we covered the first GTRacing Gaming Chair purchased and a service warranty issue that was quickly resolved by GTRacing Co. The chair has maintained its comfort over its lifetime here in the office. Now, with a little tongue-in-cheek humor, the new GTRacing Mesh Back will be the primary office chair, while the ‘gently used’ one is saved for gaming. It’s a win-win all around.

Ultimately, we chose another GTRacing chair for it’s comfort, flexibility, and now the fresh mesh back. You have to stay cool and breezy with the GTRacing Mesh Back gaming chair. Additionally, one product enhancement is that both armrests remain connected. They pivot with the chair as it reclines maintaining a similar position and height of the arms. This is handy when the chair is in ‘sport-mode’.

Pick out a GTRacing Mesh Back Gaming Chair Today.

The D&D Goods

Books, Starter Sets and More

So, Dungeons & Dragons… Want to Play?

D&D Essentials Kit

The D & D Goods, Gear and Imagination – Let’s Hop Into the World of RPG Gaming.

Let’s discuss the basics, of D&D Starter Kit. All you need is a starter kit, some dice and a friend or two. With a little imagination, creativity and people who can work with minimal direction, you can setup a basic game of D&D. 

Start a clan or cohort of player characters who are whisked off to battle, encountering orcs, goblins, and challenges unique to the world of RPGs (role playing games). However, there’s a catch if you’ve never played the game, read the books, or watched learn-to-play videos on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, Rumble or D&D content on ‘how to get started, game play and game strategy’. For simplicity’s sake, let’s leave the ‘how to’s to the to the experts. This article is more of a summary of our process, journey and learning how to play one of the original RPG games. Let’s outline our RPG journey.

Starter Sets, Dice and Imagination

Starting with the D&D Starter and/or Essentials Kit is extremely helpful. The Starter Set was particularly successful for us in terms of our campaign. By campaign, I mean a successful storyline that runs from start to finish, or sometimes just the time we started playing until the day ended. It could also refer to the order of play and our willingness to fail. I’ll discuss that more later.

For starters, the Essentials or Starter D&D kits are the way to go. We skipped the online version and just got the premade character sheets, six dice, a mini game or campaign (Lost Mine of Phandelver), D&D rulebook, and most importantly, a group of people willing to learn and not necessarily know how to play.

That’s it! So, what’s the catch? The punchline is that you can play regardless of experience. However, it’s extremely helpful to have someone in the group with ‘any’ level of D&D experience. We did not. So, the recommendation here is simple: read what you can, get the adventure started, start with what you know from other games you might have played, ‘discard’ what you don’t ,and have fun.

Kits, Books, Dice, Accessories and More

Starter Set – D&D Starter Set
Essentials Kit – D&D Essentials Kit
Core D&D Rulebooks Gift Set Object – D&D Core Rulebooks Set (Hardcover)
Starter Set – D&D Start Set
Dungeon Masters Guide – D&D Dungeon Masters Guide
D&D Art & Arcana – D&D Art & Arcana
Character Sheets – D&D Character Sheets
Spellbook Cards – D&D Spellbook Cards
Icewindale Book – D&D Icewindale Rime of the Frostmaiden
Fizban’s Book – D&D Fizban’s Treasury Of Dragons
Chessex D& Dice – Chessex D&D Dice

The DM (Dungeon Master) Role, Experience

The most important role in the game is that is the role of the Dungeon Master or DM for short. DM’s act as the campaign narrator, the judge, and with some experience, can create epic journeys filled with ice giants, mountain trolls, ancient wizards, clockwork stone samurai warriors, and dragons. After all, it is called Dungeons and Dragons. Before you face those dragons, a word of caution: experience can be beneficial. Replaying min-campaigns or campaigns you’ve already completed as a group can help improve situational awareness and guide you on how to behave as a player-character rathar than an NPC (non-player character).

Once again, the DM can assist campaign players in various ways: replaying scenarios on a small scale, developing new character activities, creating new situations. or realms. These tools are helpful in learning how to play, improving teamwork, enhancing character attributes and skills, and gaining a better understanding of the game quickly. 

Enjoy The Pitfalls, Work To Elevate Your Game Play

In our case, gaming, we navigate pitfalls, traps, and dragons to survive. The main goal is to have fun, while the Dungeon Master DM manages basic rules, functions, and gameplay. To play, you will need a DM, character sheets, a story  (campaign books are available for all levels of play), a rulebook, and some dice.

Quickly, let’s touch on the DM screen (DM screens contain quick tips, notes and situational actions to help the DM move the game along). It’s not game ending if you don’t have one and the DM relies on paper ‘screens’. What’s important is that most starter kits, depending on the edition,  include some version of a DM screen. The same goes for the DM guide and player rulebook.

This is a good starting point in the article where we added a few other D&D pieces to enhance game play. Ok, ok. I must admit, we picked up some second hand campaign books, additional character sheets (blank, with the skills needed to create a character from scratch), and a digital/web-based dice-rolling app. This is handy when space is limited. Whether new or used, refurbished or the latest edition, we chose to add something new at longer intervals.

Additional Accessories

Introducing the Core Rulebooks Set with Original Cover Art, including the DM Screen, DM Guide, Monster Manual and Player’s Handbook. We have chosen to maintain a longer interval between game additions, sticking to the basics. Adding new elements such as pieces, books, or parts would disrupt the flow of the game. It took several months to full appreicate the benefits of running a campaign with Monster Cards and maps (we projected our campaign maps on the TV). This proved to be a handy way to visually understand the campaign and create the illusion of a cave or dungeon, especially for a less skilled group of players.

RPG’s – Role Playing Games

Let’s take a moment to define RPG play. The concept is quite simple; players roll dice, make moves to observe, discover, or take action each round of play. 

The same goes for the characters, many of whom are monsters that take a a turn by rolling dice, adding a layer of complexity to the game. All of us were new to the game, yet, we had a Dungeon Master, some players, character sheets, dice and a pre-made story. Kudos to us early on in the journey, as we had no idea what we were getting into. We completely ignoring time elements, rules, items characters ‘carry with them’, magic, or player strengths/weaknesses, durability and XP.

We immersed ourselves in the story, made strategic moves, faced the best D&D Goods and challenges presented by the DM’s monsters, and then moved on to the next. adventure. At its core, that’s the essence of the game. While note groundbreaking, we soon realized that these sessions served as valuable training excesizes that helped our team establish out play style for future campaigns. Let’s emphasize the enjoyment of RPGs, revisiting campaigns can be exciting. The main reason being the game’s incredible flexibility, allowing for a different experience each time it is played.  With different DMs, varying character strengths, and evolving situations, the player-characters  grow and the gameplay experience evolves. Lastly,  we probably should have stuck with our premade characters a bit longer. For those who have never  played, there is no right or wrong way to approach the game. The key is to make the most of what you have, whether using premade characters or creating your own.

D&D Goods, Successes, DM’s and Game Play

Now, the key to our success was the premade character sheets included in the kits. We had no idea how to play, a DM… and some sheets. Characters levels, arcane, dexterity, what? Skipping this part, is not critical to the story, the point is, the more you play, the rules and gameplay evolve. Assuming the group can accept the lack of knowledge and that there is no inherent game expert to guide the game; then it sounds like you’ve got a game!

Hours, days, and even weeks have passed, replaying the essentials. This is where the DM (mentioned above, whose experience is key) can help elevate game play. Adding the D&D core books (D&D Goods) i.e. the DM’s Guide, Monster Manual and Player’s Handbook. to the mix was essential . The Essential Kit and/or Starter Kit can be replayed as much or as little as you desire. Today, we revisit the journey from time to time. The game offers a level of flexibility, rules can come and go, or maybe a better way to describe the journey, leave it up to the Dungeon Master!

Respect for the DM, get the D&D goods. Books and bulk dice purchases came sometime later as we added new players. Most players resorted to the digital dice apps for player moves and actions where applicable. We won’t go into detail, keeping this high level. Introducing new elements to the game/campaign, week by week ( generally, months at a time). Stick with it, you’ll figure it out!

Expand, Purchase Core D&D Goods, Dice Sets and More

Finally, we worked to refine our game play, by adjusting the D&D goods and complexity as needed. The amount of changes made often depends on the team’s available playtime. It can be a gradual process, but having an intuitive and creative DM is crucial, so a big thanks to our DM! Dm’s have the ability to breathe life into the storyline, introducing unique challenges such as crisis situations, periods of difficulty, high-pressure scenarios, troubled times and moments of campaign glory! There is never a ‘wrong direction’ in the game – the more you learn, the more opportunities you have to create a new character or try a different storyline.

The direction and strategy can only ‘grow’ from today-to-tomorrow. Any suggestions? Keep it simple, light and refreshing. Focus on building character  strengths, avoiding complexities, and gaining strength and XP (experience points) for warriors. Arcane abilities for Mages, stealth for thieves. Additionally, cohort successes can benefit from various play styles, complementing team play or player-character types. Be mindful of limitations, and work to mitigate character weaknesses. Lastly, rely on your D&D clan your clan and a little imagination will get you through the tough times.

Finally, Ok, you want to play? Get yourself some D&D goods, game books, accessories and more (tables, cups, merch).

AppleTV 4K & MagSafe Battery Pack

Apple Accessories and More

4K View & Battery Life On The Go

Apple TV & Mag Safe

Gear – Apple Safe Mag Pack & TV 4K

Update: AppleTV 4k & Apple Magsafe Battery Backup Review

Apple Accessories
AppleTV 4k

AppleTV 4k

Apple MagSafe Battery Pack

MagSafe Battery Pack


Let’s check out the AppleTV 4K & MagSafe Battery Pack… starting with the AppleTV. I’ve been using an older AppleTV 4K to complement the 4k monitors; but its time for an upgrade. Today is the day. I’ve decided to update the office AppleTV to AppleTV 4K to match resolutions, colors, etc. via dual screens used as separate displays. The purpose, MacBook Pro (MBP) has some shortcomings such as  limitation of dual monitors or multi-monitors that are not NOT Apple branded. This seems to be a new limitation, and I’m not sure why this might be the case. I’ll leave that to your imagination to figure out. The goal is to use the new 4K version so that I’m not required to adjust resolutions to 3840 x 2160 over multiple monitors while reducing resolution/reducing pixel space via MBP settings for desktop views, apps, windows, etc.

That said, the new MBP still needs some work, I will be frank. I’m not a fan of the limited HDMI connections without Apple specific dongles or Apple monitors. I need to do address this at the hardware level while desiring to run dual screens without Apple-branded screens, monitors, or TV’s. This is a self-imposed limitation without dongles. Unfortunately, I’ve tried multiple dongles or HDMI extender hardware/software without success. iCreate products have their own limitations, and screen observations, meaning Apple OS updates create software problems by iCreate device for months… The idea is simple: run multiple screens as separate screens with the same resolution. More on the AppleTV 4K to come.

MagSafe Battery Pack

In the meantime, let’s cover the MagSafe Battery Pack. Are trips or travel in your near future? Tired of short-term battery usage, removing apps and settings to preserve battery life? Consider adding a Apple Mag Safe Battery Pack. I(we) added the Apple Mag Safe for long-term battery needs, away from the office, traveling, or going to the stores. Are you looking for a battery pack? The latest from Apple, is the MagSafe Battery Pack, also try the – Belkin BOOST Charge, Pro Magnetic Power Bank.

Honestly, these battery packs do the job and more. They are great for those who are always on the run, constantly using apps, and watching videos on their phones. If you are running multiple apps at once, playing games, watching videos, and more wirelessly, these battery packs are for you. You are not tethered to a wall or a power station. Start by buying one, and I’ll provide my final verdict in a couple of weeks. Check back soon.

Before we continue,  here are a few other articles on Apple iOS, other devices and updates that you might be interested in. For example, the MagSafe Battery Pack, for finding more power on the go, using Dual SIMs and eSIMs. Apple mouse, a ‘pass’ in our book, trackpad in a pinch or some more affordable Logitech mouse will do.  Alternatively,  you may want to explore a more minimalist approach with LightPhone products.

Let’s conclude this article on AppleTV 4K & MagSafe Battery Packs shall we? As usual leave a comment below. Have feedback on the MagSafe Batter Pack? Apple TV 4K, MBP? Let us know what you’re thinking?

Apple Mouse

The So, So-Magical Mouse

Apple Magic Mouse to Logitech M525

Gear – Apple & Logitech Mice

Work mouse; and more on it’s back up/EDC Logitech M525, cause the Apple Mouse has been all but useless at times

Now, let’s talk about the Apple Magic Mouse

First and foremost, I appreciate the design always a life-long Apple user. I tend to favor their aesthetics, its slimline shape, and gestures. Secondly,  it has a nice weight to it, not too light or heavy. The issue arises after after a few hours of work when we have to stop everything to charge the device and latest, it needs charging more frequently. As someone who has always used Apple products, this mouse seems to be less useful than an 80’s mouse. I’m not sure if there are bugs or battery issues, but it’s a hassle to charge. A BIG HASSLE.

The problem here is that the mouse has become unusable.

Apple & Logitech Mice
Apple Charge

Apple Charge

Logi Mouse

Logi Mouse

SO, while we are currently charging the Apple Mouse (seriously, I’ve got the Logitech mouse on), clicking away… Thirdly, we got the Magic Mouse – Multi-Touch Surface a few months back and are increasingly learning to find something else to use. Love the gestures, but can’t use the mouse. Makes no sense. Again, love the gesturing, touch surface options, but every 8 hours I’ve got to plug this thing in. What about the next 4 to 6 hours? We are left with a paperweight for a good 1.5 hours while the device charges up.

Moving on to the M525, no gestures, just a Plain-Jane type of mouse… Bluetooth/USB if need be, heavier I’m assuming because of the batteries and a handy little internal storage area for the USB dongle when not in use. It has a a wheel, laser for tracking and it works. It’s a reliable mouse and remains in my everyday carry bag/desk for work.

Final Thought, in conclusion, if you want to over spend on an Apple mouse, get the trackpad, skip the mouse… always carry a secondary pointer device in case of emergencies. We do, and that is the Logitech M525. Buy one today…

Now Dec. 2022 – We traded up to the Logitech M720, check one out… we will post an update shortly

GTRacing Update

GTRacing Repair Update

GTRacing Chair Frame Blunder

GTRacing Update Frame Fixed

Gear – GTRacing

So, here is the GTRacing Update. GTRacing Chair Parts Replaced.

It may be premature, but, good on you GT Racing! Dare I say GTRacing made it right? The chair is back together, holding weight as it should. No lean, squeezing, bending-feeling or crash. That’s good, we have a fix. In hindsight, while being desk chair free for a week or more, is not ideal.

The second ‘chair part’, the one not broken will be relegated to the game and electronics drawer. It goes with the other unused cables, plugs, charges, wires, random batteries etc.

While we have your attention, we will be trying other GTRacing parts, chairs etc,. A full listing will come, however, a sneak peek may serve its weight in gold here… Check out the latest merchandise after the GTRacing Update, and give us a shout if you would like to purchase our gear – new products next quarter.

Side note, with the GTRacing gear, we are looking to sort out some USB devices, stickers and magnets, depending on demand. Let us know what you think about the merch, or if you’re looking for something special, a one off, special order on GTRacing –

SPOILER – Fast forward, gear adjustment, learn about our new GTRacing Mesh back chair with the lounging feature and footrest posted 6/2024… enjoy!

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Office Chairs and Desks

Serta, Gaiam, GTRAcing, Office Depot and More

What’s in your office?

GT Racing Chairs

Gear – Office Equipment – Gamer Chairs, Yoga Ball Chair and Standup Desk

In this office life, take a look at what we use on a daily basis: our trusty driver (comfy gaming chair), adjustable desk, and Gaiam desk chair for guests. We’re blending the traditional office setting with new materials and comfortable options. 

Are you a GT Racing fan? Today is the day to trade up and move on from the traditional office executive chair, like the current ergonomic executive chair Serta Jennings – B/T Ergo Chair that’s sitting in the office right now. Today, we’re switching gears to GT Racing, the gaming chair of choice my choice for the future.

Office Updates

Adj. Desk

Gaiam Ball

Gaiam Ball

Serta Chair

Serta Chair

More information will be provided once it is received. Specifically, I am interested in the GTRacing GTX320-Black chair or see our commentary and reviews. The reviews are positive, mentioning features such as leather, good support, and comfort similar to a car seat (which is a personal selling point for me). The chair also includes height-adjustable arms, lumbar and headrest support, and can recline up to nearly 170 degrees. Unfortunately, shipping will take a few days, which is a bit disappoint. Nevertheless, I believe the new chair will complement the office space nicely. 

The current office setup includes a height-adjustable desk that can be raised and lowered with a manual paddle-like button. Additionally, there is a modern Gaiam yogi-chair balance chair, which is great for short-term sitting but may not be suitable for longer sitting periods. For extended coding sessions and conference/phone calls, a GT Racing chair may be more comfortable and supportive. It’s time for an upgrade to address back pain and improve overall comfort during long periods of sitting. The decision has been made – GT Racing the way to go.

Before you go, there is an update… we ran into a snag, GTRacing handled it see the GTRacing update here. Helpful when someone makes it right. For those of you who know of the issue and remedy, great; now you know why we chose a second GTRacing gaming chair. The GTRacing Mesh chair nearly 2 years later (updated 6/2024)! Good chair, comfortable, breathable, more durable that it’s predecessor. Finally, this one has a foot rest. Don’t forget about your furry office friends, like ours, Zeus and Ruby… they’re around here somewhere, 

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?