Super Castlevania Video

Game Play-Through

@lordKayoss’s Super Castlevania Video

Lab Work – Super Castlevania Video – Castelvania IV Coverage

Dive into the Super Castlevania IV Video, a 1994 Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) epic adventure

Simon Belmont vs Dracula, like Tom and Jerry, Batman and The Joke, classic good vs evil game. This game is truly an epic, genre defining game, still very relevant today i.e. Metroid-vania sytle games – The Last Faith, Blasphemous I, II and more. A great follow up to the NES/Game Boy series games: NES – Castlevania I, II, III GB – Castlevania I, II. There were a few arcade games I never got the chance to play in the arcade, which is a bummer… So, for reference there is a huge jump between GB Castlevania II and SNES Super Castlevania IV and Dark Souls for example.

Those of you who are new to the Castlevania series, or new title, be prepared for an adventure. The goal is taking down Dracula and his minions. Do so, be agile, climb, jump, dispatch enemies quickly and solve puzzles. The games ‘in series’ are fairly quick to play/playthrough. The older games, in my opinion are a little less forgiving unless you’ve built up a toolkit on ‘how to solve’ the enemy ‘ai’ (enemy IQ, or artificial intelligence). My two cents, like the Mario (watch any early SNES/NES even PS or XBox speed-run, this will help to show specifically enemy IQ or ai), most of the early games have patterns and similar enemy IQ, just find the pattern and dispatch of the enemies accordingly.

Next, thanks for the coverage @lordkayoss, love the video and voice over, this was one of the first games I completed back in 1994 or 1995. In any case, check out the Kayoss playlist on Super Castlevania IV on YouTube Logo YouTube… You can always see our video playlists, or check the video category on our website.

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