Project BurmPy, Learn Python
A Burmese Python Code References

Lab Work – Projet BurmPy
Web • TWBS5 Twitter Bootstrap V5 • TWB & Python Build Guide* • User Analytics • Hosting • Search/SEO Search Engine Optimization
Please note, is CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Stuff is on the move, Project BurmPy has landed, ‘moving around’ global elements. Same for the core Python section and guide section, along with its counterparts, Basics, Advanced, and DB/More.
BurmPy Build


Core Code

Hello World

Adv Code
You’ll see however, that basic structure is there, BS V5 elements, usage etc. Scope out the main nav, content and secondary nav for secondary content. Time is always an issue, so I ask for your patience in providing the necessary time to sort out the most important Python elements. We groom said elements, and publish code as we build the site. Today, we have next steps as the intro, Core Python, Advanced and DB (more). Putting us in good shape so that we can deliver new content in a productive manner. Goal being deliverability, staying true to a deliverable schedule or track for now.
Development will continue, shipping pieces and parts on the regular and as we build, test and publish elements to the site (iteratively). Including the welcome content, ‘hello world’ and core code elements. That way we can build over time, add what needs to or removed what is deprecated (removed from the standard code) via We do want to include this guide, same TWBS v5 elements as the others, those will also be groomed and updated on the site as we ship pieces and parts.
One final note, we may transition this into a WordPress CMS site for ease of use and content management, including updates on new code or removed (deprecated, no longer supported elements) Python elements/code. We could likely get the core elements up faster than hand coding the site. More to come.