WiFi For Legacy Creality Devices

Bring Bluetooth and Wifi Connectivity to Legacy 3d Printers

Creality WiFi Box

Creality WiFi Box

Tech | Tools – Creality WiFi Box 2

Need a boost, WiFi or Bluetooth connection for your Creality printer? How about the Creality WiFi Cloud Box 2.0?

For those of you who are using using WiFi or Bluetooth connectivity, especially the older 3D printers, the concept of  ‘Apple AirPrint’ or printing over WiFi is now a luxury. Unless, of course, you want to take advantage of Air Print or prefer to print from your desk chair by connecting to a WiFi/Bluetooth ready 3d printer. It’s simple if the hardware and software are installed or onboard, as is often the case. You can easily sit down, go through your sketch or drawing export, and then send those slices directly to a printer via WiFi/Bluetooth. Finally, you can kick off the print job using WiFi/Bluetooth slicer software.

Creality Wifi Box

Before I discuss the best-case scenario and the benefits of WiFi for legacy Creality devices, let’s first talk about the old-school models. For those of us who still use old printers, MicroSD cards, USB 2 cords, and swap nano SD cards and USB sticks, this information will be relevant. If you’re tired of constantly switching USB dongles and nano cards and dealing with manual process, then this if for you. It may be old school, but it work.

Please note that I have not yet set up the Creality WiFi Box so there is no Wifi available for the legacy Creality devices  I own. We will get something up here shortly, once the rebuild is complete which should take about a week or two to wrap up. 

Rebuild pt 1 – involves installing a new drive, assembling, and finding the back plate. Currently, we are reconnecting the new assembly housing, heating element, etc. rebuild part 2* did start the today this article was posted. *Article was updated, so that we could share a link to the second article.

Finally, we will cover Creality solutions for older 3D printers such as the Creality Ender 3 Neo Max.

Ender Teardown

Let’s Kickoff the Rebuild With A Teardown

Ender Teardown, Rebuild – Start

Unpack - Ender Internals

Lab Work – Teardown Part 1

A few steps into the Ender Teardown – follow these steps to open the 3D printer housing or bottom hatch. Replace extruder wires, internal fan wires, jumpers etc. Check out the timeline below presented in editorial form.

Step One


Old Wires

Old Wires

Remove Hot Glue

Remove Hot Glue

Fan Ports

Fan Port





Power On

Power On

Next Steps, Step 2

Voila! The first phase (teardown) is complete, and  we are moving onto Rebuild Part 2, which will be more challenging. This part of the build will involve swapping the extruders from Bowden to Direct Drive and potentially replacing the back plate depending on the hardware and tools required. It’s important to note that the back plates are not identical and will need some adjustments. We plan to proceed with the swap and salvage the old plate. It shouldn’t be too difficult, especially now that we have completed part 1. Removing the hot glue can be tricky, but once you get past that and the screw, everything should go smoothly.

This seems like a good place to end. I will post another update on the tool set we used to complete the Ender Teardown. I have recently added a Klein driver set, a handy multitool to complement the new Tekprem Torx set. Check back soon for more updates in round two!

Board and Slicer Downloads

Downloads, Boards, Slicers & More

Creality – Ender 3 Max Neo, Halot Sky & Prusa

Creality v4.2.2 Board

Tech | Tools – Software Support

Let’s start with the most important stuff, the upgrade includes a new Board and Slicer Downloads. For future use and for those who need software support, especially those of you who are using a Creality Ender 3 Max Neo 3D Printer.

Additionally, If you who have Creality products, and are printing with the Ender series, you may require the following software below. Also, to note, the drivers/software have already been used in different (various) stages of the rebuild and/or upgrade process: Ender Build articles, Series 2, Ender TPU Upgrade.

Here is the list of Creality and Prusa Board, Software and Slicer Downloads:

  1. Creality Halot Sky – Firmware or Slicing (bottom) – https://www.creality.com/pages/download-halot-sky?spm=..page_1934481.products_display_1.1&spm_prev=..index.header_1.1
  2. Ender 3 – Neo Max – Firmware – https://www.creality.com/pages/download-ender-3-max-neo?spm=..product_3b7a3c8a-7861-4186-9818-614e8eb14170.nav_link_store_1.1&spm_prev=..page_1967279.products_display_1.1
  3. Slicing (bottom) – https://www.creality.com/pages/download-ender-3-max-neo?spm=..product_3b7a3c8a-7861-4186-9818-614e8eb14170.nav_link_store_1.1&spm_prev=..page_1967279.products_display_1.1.

Also, included some of Prusa’s wearz; Board and Slicer Downloads:
Prusa I3 MK3S+ Kit – Firmware, Drivers and more. Prusa has all the goods on their printers, accessories and/or printer kits.

Finally, don’t forget to check back from time to time (I check quarterly for updates, which might be over done). The sooner the better when it comes to some of these printers. Not so much with the print software, I’ve only had luck with the original software for the latest build. Again, not sure why that is, but, it the current course of action so that the prints have uniformity. Cheers.


Acrylic Switch Series

Artwork – Switch (acrylics)

Zoomed In Housing Vents

Lab Work – Switches

Back At It Again, The Light Switch Series is now underway, in Progress

It’s a start. Switch has begun, and acrylics are now on canvas. It’s been awhile since I last used a paintbrush on canvas. Lately, I’ve been spending more time on the sketchpad. A year or two ago, I sketched out a few smaller ideas, before moving to stretched canvas around the office. Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of smaller pieces. My preference for canvas size is 24″ (rectangle) and above. So, we are sowing new growth. For more of my work, check out the following links – Movement, Sun Study, and more under the acrylics tag.

It’s a start. This will probably be a 5 to 6 part series on the same subject, in this case, an old light switch. Who knows, I may decide to scale up a number of sketches at some point, once the direction is set and the subject matter gets ironed out. The latest revisions and work will be posted via X @sallee_creates so check it out!

Take a look it’s a bit difficult to determine exactly what it is right now, but it’s there… Stay tuned for updates in the coming months! 

Navigating Challenges

Tenacity, Strength, Vision and Teamwork

Navigating Challenges, Issues and Blockers

Navigating Trail Challenges

Adverts – Working Around Challenges, Solutions Ahead

Find new trails, blaze new paths and navigate challenges while keeping your goals in mind. Whether they are large or small, keep them close to you. Find and focus on your vision.

Keep your goals at the forefront of your mind, concise and focused. Keep them simple; don’t be afraid to aim high (in the the corporate world, the call them stretch goals). The key is to navigate challenges, and continue dreaming. Whether your goal is big or small, something different, a catalyst for change. When facing obstacles, seek out the new opportunities they present. Embrace change, recognizing its impact on core business functions and eliminating any unnecessary redundancies. Our goals are interconnected, weaving through the ups and downs, the obstacles and smooth paths, the challenges and successes. Keep your eyes up, looking ahead, and work diligently to discover new routes. Navigating challenges can be made easier by finding solutions and practicing patience during difficult times. Stay resilient, demonstrating strength and perseverance, and surround yourself with a team that can help you overcome obstacles together.

Follow us on X, @salleetech

Clean Up URLs

Own Your Own Links, We Clean Up URLs

URLs Shortener, the Move To Tinurl, Cleanup Up URLs

Tech | Tools – Shortening URLs

Confirmed, URLs out…

Time to clean up URLs, rid your site of extended URLs and make them cleaner. An update on URLs (shortener): for the sake of time, we have purge our self-hosted url shortener. We’ve officially dropped the stand alone code from production. Try Tinurl, if you want to use such a service. Use something like the Tinyurl app/website… click here to learn more.

The apps has been around for awhile. Those of who you share links, swap links, etc., know that most companies have some form of URL ‘shortener’. Whether it is Amazon, YouTube or TinyURL themselves. Clean up URLs. Check out this short code via Amazon in this scenario. Scenario: College Kid is looking for a tablet, finds one and would like to share the find with someone – a.co/d/dBwmxaK, a pretty handy link… This is just a small example of short of the short code game, with a massive eCommerce site like Amazon. The same goes for YouTube share links… Anyhow, at some point, we will circle back to this topic and see if there is something worth investing in.

Before you leave, make sure to check off whatever is next on your to-do list. I’ll share one more tip with you. Hopefully, you are in the mood to clean up or declutter. Try using justdeleteme – “a directory of direct links to delete your account from web services”. You can learn more about it and the benefits of a great purge,   justdeleteme article. We regularly purge old accounts and social sites as often as we can, and you can do the same. I personally delete and close out old account annually. It’s a great resource getting rid of unused services.

Other Means of Support

While were fixing things today, let’s share a few other helpful tips. Such as finding new domain name ideas, GoDaddy Bounceback services, email deliverability, knowing when to clear the cache, and how to Flush DNS on a Mac/Apple. Additionally,ipconfig /flushdns for Windows, and sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches on Linux.

We’ll also cover how to maintain your digital footprint i.e. activity on the web and what to do when the interwebs are completely down; really down. Choose down detection. These tips are super handy when starting a new website from scratch because eventually, you will come across these issues in one way or another. It’s bound to happen.

Filament Spool Update

Filament Rack, Digital Scale, and Spool

Creality Digital Spool Rack

Spool Rack

Gear – Filament Rack

Needed an additional part/piece, this Creality Spool Rack.

Today, we have a Filament Spool Update and the final accessory to add to the TPU upgrade build. Dare I call it the final piece of the puzzle for the build.

What are we looking at here? It’s a top-mounted (overhead) rack, specifically the Creality Digital Spool Rack. The rack, or filament management rack sits atop the main brace/cross-bracket framing structure as shown below (see new spool image). The spool rack will allow for multiple filament types:* PLA, ABS, Nylon, Wood, and TPU *assuming the filament comes on a spool, regardless of the size. It’s important to note that Creality includes a portion of filament or test filament with a new or refurbished printer. This information is helpful for new 3D printer users.

The advantage? TPU specifically can unwind and pass through a top cross-brace funneling mechanism directly into the new direct drive extruder. This serves as the new static filament storage area/piece. For those of you with a Bowden drive, you may not understand, but after the upgrade, we needed a way to feed filament to the direct drive extruder. This serves as the solution. 

3D Printer Accessories
New Spool

New Spool

Digi Spool

Digi Spool

Spool Rack

Spool Rack

Creality makes this handy filament rack, replacing the OEM side mounted rack. It’s perfect for filament management – size, weight over time etc. Same as the  OEM rack with a few upgrades like a bright, digital scale. The rack has a large, bright digital scale Interface, a great visual for filament volume, space and duration. 

The key here, as part of the Filament Spool Update, the digital read out (interface) built into the spool mount brings ‘site by volume’. And as you can imagine, this can help predict usage, and consumption rates. More importantly, cost per item or printable. It’s small enough to screw to the topside of the support frame. The interface is bright enough to work in the dark, cast enough light onto the printer bed. Note, all filament types in spool formant should work on the rack, TPU, ABS, Nylon, Wood and/or PLA. All material come into scope once the direct drive is up and functioning as expected.

Gadget Backlog Update

Let’s Look At the Gadget List

Klein Screwdriver Set, SHURE MV7 Podcasting Kit, and Aupus Air Duster

Gear – Backlog

Quick update on the Gadget Backlog, SHURE MV7 Microphone Podcast Kit, Air Tools – Inflators, Nailers Gauges and Compressors (out soon), Air Duster (A.K.A Air “Cannon”) and Klein Tools Precision Screwdriver Set.

Both positive and negatives, the Klein set is a big win, those of you needing a sleek, high-quality, tech/electronics platform; Klein is the way to go. Same for the Aupus Air Duster… a handy, handheld, to blast away dust and debris… And the SHURE MV7, same on quality, and crisp sound quality, the best with SHURE.

Let’s start with the ‘good’ vs the ‘bad’ or ‘ugly’ movie reference “The Good, The Bad, The Ugly – Clint Eastwood”. Let’s cover the precision screwdriver set and air duster.

Klein Tools Precision Screwdriver Set

First, the Klein All-In-One Precision Screwdriver Set. If you’re working with smaller appliances – coffee/espresso machines, vacuums, toys, gaming equipment, computers, phones or tablets (Apple specifically). You’re gonna need an elevated, array of tech gear and tools such as – glues, adhesives, adhesive ‘strippers’, grounding elements or bands, gloves, fans, shims or prying tools, same for hex/Torx bit heads… Just to name a few.

In many cases, if one was to change out a generic computer battery (Apple MBP) you might need – micro Phillips-head/Torx, pry tool, shims, glue stripper, gloves, heating elements, grounding band, adhesives and then the micro Philips-head and Torx to secure the updated battery array and shell Hopefully you can understand here, the Klein All-In-One covers the range of electronic screws and bolts used in the latest gear.

Just want to spend a few mins on the screwdriver set which comes in a sturdy, rugged, hard plastic box (tough box)… with what Klein calls a stay-shut latching mechanism, again, handy to have when your carrying mini-bits/drivers around. The case is great for indoor/outdoor, ‘shop-like conditions’ which may not be pristine per say. Contained within the tough outer shell, a magnetic hand screwdriver base or platform for ‘finger tightening/loosing’, a preformed bit section for 39 extra-long driver set which includes – flatheads, hex, Torx, square, star and Phillips-head bits.

Those of you needing Apple specific driver bits, check out this set and pick yourself up a set(not a paid advertisement). High quality stuff, easy to use and magnetic. Always nice and handy to have magnetic tools for very small applications, those of you who require small tools for small screws, clips and bolts. Great set for those who need one, pick one up a Klein Tools.

Aupus Air Cannon

Moving along now, staying with the ‘Good’. No cans, no more air canisters, missing straws, cold hands and/or the storage space for air cans. Nope, the Aupus Air Duster is a win for two reasons, space and strength. No need to save space for 5 or more cans of compressed air. We are talking desktop or storage space for those of you working in tight office spaces; the DIY(do-it-yourself).

The Aupus purchased has two settings of air pressure or strength, both will help push dust and debris out and away from it’s intended target. Sound is constant, no shuddering or sputtering, no power loss or surging. The air duster is made of rigid plastics, great for many applications around the shop – featuring a friendly grip, multi-speed selector, filtered intake and a set of cleaning tools – brushes, extension tube, additional filters and fine funnels for more precise air distribution. No batteries, just an old-fashioned plug and play, so, plenty of power where and when you need it when comparing the Aupus Air Duster to a generic can of air.

The SHURE Podcast Kit

Let’s transition to the ‘bad’ or mixed review now. The ‘bad’, might be a little harsh.. When sticking to the theme of “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” perhaps the final product covers the bad and ugly. For the sake of the argument, let’s just use a ‘soft pass’ on the Shure MV7. Specifically due to it’s reliance on additional software. That’s the rub for this article. Which is where we feel it fails to meet expectations, so, a mixed review of sorts.

The positives, sure SHURE (SHURE MV7 – Podcast Kit) makes a great product, excellent sound quality, nicely packaged for various applications – live-streaming, home recording, podcasting and more. Hardware is what you would expect from the legendary Chicago, IL – Sidney SHURE founded audio/electronics and hardware manufacturer, for nearly 100+ years, producing some of the highest quality audio (electronic gear/hardware)… it’s tough to give this one a mixed review.

MOTIV Required

Honestly, I think this is why we might merge the ‘ugly’ with the ‘bad’. What ‘smokes out the deal’ for us, is the reliance on a secondary application called MOTIV. I get it, the software a need, a must. How else would you use the microphone? The software helps the user fine tune the collection of sound, amplification, distance of sound travel, and hardware recognition. Again, the rub, it’s yet another app/window chewing up space, floating desktop application cluttering up an already densely populated screen – browsers, live-streaming apps, video software, editing software and so on.

You get the picture, an ugly one. Although, you may not agree, that’s fine… this is where I think the experience falls short. If there ever was a time where  hardware shouldn’t require os manipulation or software. This is the time, we would have a winner. Again, great kit, includes all the connections one would expect these days, USB-C, XLR, a desktop mount for local sound collection, and crisp sound recording.

The product was built and sold as a podcasting kit, targeting those v-loggers podcasters and content creators. Or, the interwebs adventurers, the law tubers, the gamers, the influencer type  and/or home/office applications. All is well, until you understand, an application is required to download and run the physical hardware. The MOTIV app can be downloaded here, found on either App Store or Google Play Store. Caveat, multiple OS platforms, MacOS, Windows and Ubuntu. Honestly, this is not the solution for me. I was open to new gear and not said proprietary software running to manage external hardware.


Final thoughts, takeaway, give it a shot, the microphone is fantastic, sound quality is top notch. A home-run, if I might use a sports analogy as well.  If you’re looking for a reliable microphone, precision sound quality (bar-none), this might just be your winning ticket. For us, however, we will pass for now.

More on the next one, cheers

Street Fighter Returns

Any Street Fighter Fans Out There, Capcom or SNK?

Street Fighter 6(XBox/PC)

SF 30th Anniversary

Lab Work – Steam, XBox, VM Software, Street Fighter And More

It’s time… it’s time we embark on a new adventure, Street Fighter returns…

Systems Check: Parallels (checked), Windows 11 (checked), Steam (checked), Street Fighter… Street Fighter is up and running, first boot, and ready to go come Monday or Tuesday. It’s been about 20 years since my last play… Emulation and Steam are necessary now. Back in the day, I believe it was  Street Fighter – Capcom vs SNK during my undergrad years. I believe we are anticipating Street Fighter 6… I’m certain it will be fantastic. We will be playing the game on Xbox/PC (Asus Mini or MacOS Parallels {Win11 or Linux distribution}). Whichever runs better than the other or vice versa.

Drone Accessories
Steam Install

Steam Install

Steam Download

Steam Download

Street Fighter Load

Street Fighter Load

StreetFighter FLavors

Street Fighter Flavors

xBox Controllers

xBox Controllers

The point here is that I’ll get to it. Street Fighter Returns. It’s been over 20 years since I played my favorite game of all time. The first few were of the ‘all-time variety’. I started as a button smasher, then progressed to novice, and eventually became a skilled player. I’m not sure if I would call myself a gamer, but for the purposes of this post, I was the closest thing to the ‘idea Street Fighter gamer’… Perhaps it’s more nostalgia than practicality that gives it its legendary status.

Anyhow, I think we will tune up the Asus mini, and give it a go over the next few days or weeks. We have guitar, printer, and ‘on the bench’ fixes coming soon… Why not add a college favorite to the mix? We can also cover the Asus mini, MacOS Parallels (running Win11 and Linux) while we are at it.

Max Neo Back Plate

Wrong Parts, Wrong Parts Received

Back Plate and Rail Wheels

Old Rail Cart

Lab Work – Working Through The Challenges Associated With 3d Printers, Printing, Upgrades and More

Relieved my Max Neo Back Plate, the long awaited parts are on the truck this morning

Quick update, all the parts needed to update the Ender 3 Neo Max to run TPU filament through the new, upgraded parts are in. They are within arm’s reach and ready to be installed to complete the initial TPU build.

Unfortunately, I want to go on record and share a warning. I will post the tear down at some-point. So, the essence of the warning is to be careful what you order. Makes sense, right? Cross reference and cross-check OEM parts, refer t your 3D build, and ensure fit and compatibility.
Build progress has stopped because we have the wrong assembly cart, ideally we should have the Max Neo Back Plate, or back plate. The plate configuration (proper mounting holes, size, shape) is off. If you’re new to the site, check out the Max Neo challenges in the Output archives… For those who just want to see the TPU rebuild go here, but understand his – we had a few prints that went sideways. By sideways, I mean the extruder was found buried in filament, grinding away at the build plate.
What’s Next
Ultimately causing a meltdown, and plate parts found elsewhere etc. Prior to the blow out, we have a few successful TPU test builds are in hand, but are error pron. More like the standard build (Ender 3 Neo Max Bowden Extruder setup, standard build from the factory) minus the upgrade, if you can believe that. Please note that sometimes you have to ‘break’ things to truly figure out the right path or change paths, so to speak.
Anyhow, not to belabor the point here, but, we have all the necessary parts to start rebuilding this machine with the correct parts and extruder. This will allow us to build more ‘things’ with an array of filaments.