Learn & Apply

Are you Results Driven, How do you become Results Driven?

Being A Results Driven Organization

Learn & Apply with ease

Methodology – Learn & Apply

First, Learn & Apply… What was your hypothesis? How did you test it? What did you learn from the test results? Any viable ideas? Did you retest and test again? Do you need to test once more?

Secondly, the challenging part arises: where do we apply our learnings? Do we cease learning? The answer is certainly no. The question then becomes: when and where should you begin testing again once you’ve implemented a change, reduced redundancies, or enhanced system improvements? The time to learn is now. Or is it time to apply those findings elsewhere and make further adjustments to redundancies or system improvements? Does it sound as simple as that? 

Thirdly, there are often more questions than answers, so it’s important to always strive to learn and apply new knowledge. If we stop learning, our progress may also come to a halt. Remember, you have the power to make a difference in your business, with your people, and for your brand. Lastly, we advocate for achievable changes and encourage continuous testing. We test, retest, and test again to learn from behaviors, analyze results, and effectively implement change.

As usual, please leave a comment below and let us know what you’re thinking!


Test, Test, and Retest – Finding value

In The Lab - Test

Methodology – Test

Those of you who have partaken in usability test(s), have been to a usability center etc. You might recall the Usability Coordinator: [CRACKLING OVER THE RADIO] “((Testing)) ((Testing)) ((1)) ((2)) ((3))”

Many, many days spent in corp usability labs; fun times, good people. However, I felt sometimes the point was to justify change or boost numbers for change; in actuality it may have skewed the data. I digress!

Quickly, onto our fifth message here, this message is around ‘evaluation’ and ‘experimentation’… the value of, say an auto inspection, might reveal brake issues or failing tires. How often you inspect those tires or exam those brake parts, with determine cost of repair. How does this apply to your products and services?

Next, I prefer to test, (if money was no object), or I had the time to just test for the sake of testing I would do it. Fortunately, I’ve had the luxury of both. While working for myself and large corp. Goal is to find results both long-term and short-term, evaluations performed in my career. So, I guess the value in this article is the years spent testing, 24 years and counting. In that same vain, pilot studies, and small tests have value as well; working to reduce some cost, gain some efficiency over some defined length of time or duration.

Right? It’s probably why I test as often as I do, personally. The goal is to find  products and services that fit and make my life experience better or ‘buy funnel’. Oh, quick story, desktop vs mobile (those were fun, before mobile first or device agnostic design)… circa 1999-2000. Hundreds of users tested, mix results; more focused results were skewed as were the broader ‘organic’ type. Data is a funny thing. In hindsight, I can’t stress this enough, the value of analysis; is the value of the experiment itself.

Very High Level – Have problems, Find Solutions

I’ll keep it surface level, exploration is great for any number of things, seat belts, fire retardant blankets and safety clothing or fishing gloves. How would you retrieve your fish hook from a fishes mouth with out  kevlar gloves(I don’t go fishing without them). How about Gorilla Glass, how it splinters?  Apple Device failure, no warranty? Try for example, Apple Self Service Repair options will work for your situation. Or how much pressure it takes to cause a catastrophic glass failure. Or, take for example, a drone not working, DJI gimbal issue, we’ve got get out to the airfield and perform flight maneuvers requiring video or the act of actively capturing video in flight . Things I know to well.

I’ll confess, testing is a part of life, it’s how we learn. I would say often, do it regularly, try on your ‘off days’, try on your ‘on’ days and always retest if you can. The value is finding similarities to the experience you want your customers to have when they interact with your products and services. Re-do’s, as many times as you can; adjust your hypothesis, adjust your trajectory of change.

CBA – Cost-to-Benefit Analysis

Obviously in the real world, there is a point of diminishing return, but from a business justification, it’s a heck of a lot cheaper to fix a small sample assessment than fixing large, system level production changes; live. This goes for code, speeches, design, spelling, text messages, SMS, phone calls, or chat.

Lets’s explore the entire process, starting with hypothesizing (as highlighted in the previous article, active idea generation), then moving on to testing, learning & applying. We discuss these topics and more in our marketing and methodology articles covering possible changes, navigating challenges, improving vision, and knowing when to seek improvement or transformation. While there are many other topics to consider, let’s start here!

Once we complete our testing, we learn & apply our findings. As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?


Imagine, Think, Be Creative

Be Creative – What’s Next You Ask?


Methodology – Hypothesize

Fixed Ideas Need New Ideas, New People; New Solutions. Thinking inside and outside the box, critical thinking, deep learning are all skills that customers appreciate, as they feel that their voice is being heard.

We enjoy brainstorming, storming, testing and finding results. Hypothesize more, or as much as you can. However, results are for another topic; thinking about what you want to achieve with your business is crucial. We aim to generate big ideas, building on them and offer great solutions.

The Scientific Method: Same Process Applies

Representing our brand with a variation or spin on the scientific method is just another way to approach things.  You may be wondering where to start, how to start, and who will lead the change. Well, it’s probably you.

The key is to begin somewhere, whether with a small or large change. The importance of hypothesizing is crucial when considering change. So, should we change or not? The question to ask is what cost, risks, and benefits are associated with making this change feasible. What costs are we avoiding my implementing this change? Check out our upcoming articles on our methodology, where we discuss hypothesizing, generating good ideas, and putting them to the test, thorough testing. The results of our testing guide us towards the learning process and the application of our findings. 

So, should we change or not? The question is, what are the costs, risks, and benefits associated with making this change possible? What costs are we avoiding by implementing this feasible change? Please refer to the following articles on our methodology.  We discuss the process of hypothesizing, generating good ideas, and testing them. The outcomes of our testing lead us towards the learning process and the application of our test results. 

Lets’s explore the entire process, starting with hypothesizing (as highlighted in this article, active idea generation), then moving on to testing, learning & applying. We discuss these topics and more in our marketing and methodology articles covering possible changes, navigating challenges, improving vision, and knowing when to seek improvement or transformation. While there are many other topics to consider, let’s start here!

Don’t forget to leave us a comment. However, please note that you need to log in to do so. Please register or log in to share your thoughts!


thRemembering The Past

Time Travel back via the Wayback Machine


Lab Work – Wayback

Peak Into Our Past – A Looking Glass Perhaps. Need a quick fix? Slide into the Internet Wayback Machine.

We go, way, way, back… Take a look at your business, your online presence, and what the web means to your customers. What better way to do this than by using the time machine web service? We use this with a touch of humor, but it’s more about learning from your past. Explore what failures there may have been and turn them into wins. We look back to the year 2000 and examine the internet from within.

GeoCities Flashback

Not GeoCities … that was ages ago. Use the Wayback to quickly search. By doing so, we can uncover all sorts of treasures. We are always seeking innovative ways to market and brand websites, find inspiration, and see how far we’ve come. We are constantly striving to strike a healthy balance between the modern and contemporary designs our clients envision and ask us to create. 

We utilize simple, effective tools to communicate, operate and compete. Sounds simple, right? Let’s simplify.

Give it a try, the Wayback Machine. What’s the big deal? Anyhow, need a simple, effective solution, give us a call.


Finding The Right People: Partners


Methodology – Partnership

We Want To Recognize Our Partners, Contractors, Mentors and Friends. The right people, the right products or services, and the right time are crucial. We aim to ride out the troughs and experience controlled growth in the peaks, always looking for the right time to expand with the right partnership in place. 

A great strategy can withstand the storm and even thrive in a downturned market… It is important to remember that partnership, is a foundational characteristic in running an organization. We collaborate with our customers, friends, and family to solve problems in real-time during the peaks, while also preparing and safeguarding our investments for the next trough. 

Partners – why partners? As the second part of our foundational message, we welcome new partners and celebrate our past. We have evolved from a garage to a startup to a small business. Someday we will welcome the next step, whatever and whenever that may be. Until then, we encourage you today. Test your business strategy to see what can change. What is considered low-hanging fruit or easy change with maximum benefit, and what is considered limited expense with limited benefit and maximum expense. 

There is something right in front of you that can be tried. Try something today. We did, and we are grateful to those who have been advocates of ours for many years. Join us in celebrating our early freelancing business partner:  Davis and Sallee Design Ltd., Sallee Corporation clients in our beginning-to-mid years and the Sallee Technology team today. Equally important, let’s recognize those who came before us, those who make this possible everyday. They who provided the vision, a strategy and a never quit attitude: NABRAN Enterprises, Inc. Soon we hope to launch a 501c3 effort to help others in need.

Thank you.


Grow With Those Around You, Right People, Right Time, Test and Drive Towards Excellence


Methodology – Growth

How do you envision the growth of your business over time? With all the highs and lows, learning lessons… Grow wisely, grow locally and grow independently.

We selected growth as our first six foundational messages; growth represents the potential for change. Embrace growth, try something new today, whether right or wrong (in the sense of ROI), there is always room for growth. You have to find the growth. Take action with  Cost-to-Benefit CBA driven backlog leads to transformative change, making it scalable and always present in growth focused, forward-thinking business. What’s unique about growth? Anyone can grow, change, or improve. We utilize a well-known method for improvement, drawing from the scientific method, learning from failures, and relying on empirical evidence. 

Nothing new, nothing transformative from a business model perspective. We find that successful change is deeply rooted in change itself, based on what you know today – empirical evidence. There are numerous studies, years of management courses, and extensive learning required to implement, work, and excel in any one of the 15 flavors of Waterfall, Agile, Agile At Scale, Scrum and so on. Why are there so many? Yes, we acknowledge that systems need to scale from garage to enterprise. However, we must ask why there are so many variants.

The answer is simple, making a system that fits your organization can have various outcomes, ranging from bad to good to downright ugly. It is crucial to hire the right people, require skills beyond completing tasks, have team members take ownership of their work, and follow a process of: hypothesizing, testing, learning and applying (said learnings). Yes, we believe it is. Additionally, we believe in taking a pragmatic approach to incremental change, or in this case, incremental growth. We always acknowledge that failures can be difficult, but the key difference lies in the ability to learn from them. If you fail and do not learn, then it is indeed a loss. However, the silver lining is the potential for change that can result from the learning process, regardless of perspective. We see this as the micro-growth necessary to enhance your business, regardless of its size, level, or challenges.

What problems can we help you solve today?


Automaton Creations

Clockwork Series


Artwork – Clockwork

Let’s cover artworks titled “Clockwork”… Made famous in the book A Clockwork Orange by english novelist Anthony Burgess. A grim dystopian look at a group of young hoodlums, hell bent on raising hell, in this dark world of ultra-violence made famous by Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of the Burgess classic in 1975. Clockwork is a mixed media creation that simulates an automaton’s interpretation of street art, taking on the task of being ‘creative’. It incorporates spray paint, markers, a paper pad, plaster, and board.

This hybrid interpretation of urban life is a mixed media series made of plaster and board. It focused on street art and uses various paint types including Krylon, Rust-Oleum and/or Dupli-Color aerosols. Check out the Clockwork series and others like it, which highlight various mediums, surfaces and mixed textures.

Street Work
Paint On Board

Paint On Board

Paint Horizontal

Paint Horizontal

More to come, check back later just finished a few new designs, using Prismacolor acrylic markers. It’s been about 18 years since I last drew up ‘Clockwork’ as a tag or street name. Far from being an automaton, I might start a new design at some point. Check out the latest sketches, mark-ups, and artwork @salleetech for progression photos. You can also view other pieces and artwork under the category artwork.


Us. We, together Can Over Come

Connect, Be With One Another


Artwork – Together

More information will be necessary to fully understand this series. However, it is clear that this series serves as a celebration of family, whether they are blood relatives or individuals who hold a special place in your life, such as close friends. The series consists of two small pieces, white on black duotone acrylics, each measuring 5″ x 5″. As mentioned earlier “together” symbolizes the importance of family, whether biological or chosen. It is the love depicted in these paintings that truly brings them to life. 

Other Work

If this series interests you i.e. Together, there are others to explore, such as the Form Study or the Tree Study. Regardless, there is may be something here that catches your eye. Check out the category search results for “artwork” to see more acrylics and mix-media pieces (studies) that have been completed. Take a look around and feel free to share your thoughts if you wish. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment or send us an email with any questions or feedback on the work. Thanks for visiting.

Together Series




RG Way Painting Contractor

Handyman and Construction Service


Borg2Borg A Bootstrap Framework

Lab Work – Painting Contractor Web Work

Bootstrap CMS Website, for CT base RG Way Painting Contractor.

Customer Request and Focus on Family

First, let’s start with client preferences and requests for the website – ideally, an optimized, easy-to-use, user-friendly, photogenic, mobile-first design. The goal is to provide customers with an online experience that mirrors the quality of service they receive in person. Personal care and customer immersion are two key takeaways and factors to include in the design.

It’s worth noting the business was a father and son operation, that covered the Southern Shore of Connecticut, Hartford, New York and Pennsylvania. It was a small two-man operation focused on providing residential and commercial expertise and care. The main focus was on customer service experience, with the aim of making potential new customers and returning customers feel valued.

The client wanted his customers to see the care and experience the craftsmanship and level of service for themselves. The goal was to help customers envision themselves in their new or renovated spaces upon completion. This approach helped maintain loyal customers and emphasized long-term customer relationships, friendships, and partnerships. Additionally, sharing customer feedback and recommendations based on recent work completed added a personal touch to the business.

Residential and Commercial Clients

Secondly, the point here was to highlight professional level/portfolio level work both indoors and outdoors including residential and commercial spaces. RG Way Painting Contractor offers painting services, general contractor services as well as handyman services. All services are of extremely good workmanship and are local to the Southern Connecticut market. The most important aspect of this work example was a quick portfolio site for clients to experience the  RG Way experience. This includes sharing more about the planning-to-construction process, including clean up and payment. The goal is to provide ‘white-glove’ concierge level services, finding the right solution for your great investments

Communication and updates were also included in the scope for RG Way Painting Contractor. Customer feedback, recommendations and advocacy are a must, has this client had over 25 years experience and loyal customers willing to share their appreciation of completed work. It is always great to see such great services, professionalism and care for customer needs.

The Xpat Desk

Expatriate Concierge Services

The Xpat Desk

The Xpat Desk

Lab Work – Web Work

Local for profit White-Glove Concierge Service. The Xpat Desk, was specifically designed for expatriates moving back to the United States. We assisted in building the marketing, branding and strategic message across various platforms such as the web, marketing materials, presentations, business cards and more (marketing collateral including logos, single-page websites, mailers, brochures, etc).

Our goal was to present one voice, exuding confidence and professionalism in our concierge service. We aimed to create a cohesive team with one brand, offering the highest level of care while looking out for the best interests of the client, their family, and friends. Our services went beyond just helping with the process of finding and an expat’s next home in the States, but also included assistance with furniture, clothing, storage, personal effects, and everything else needed to establish a new home in the United States of American. The Xpat Desk is a white-glove service dedicated to finding all products and services to welcome home expats.

Below, you will find the initial roll out of logos, showcasing a ‘door’ or portal symbolizing a threshold or new beginning. The slight shadow is meant to provide a subtle cue for services available day or night. We chose a traditional font style to blend old-world charm with modernity, symbolizing the journey from beginning to end, starting with a positive, memorable, and smooth conclusion.