Contra Video

Remember – Up, Up, Down… Start

NES Contra

Lab Work – NES Contra Video play-through

Shout out to @Peg, for quickly completing this Contra (*see Contra Video) play-through!

Contra  – Up, Up, Down, Down, B, A (select for two players), start… 30 years later, I can still recall the ultimate game saver code made. Yes, that’s the Contra extra lives code. Select/start or Start, once the code is input on the home screen. This game, in parallel is a side-scrollering, run-and-gun game, like Commando (check that out). Contra one-ups Commando, hence the code recalled and shared above. The likelihood of success was higher extra lives code. Not because of skill! Sometimes you have to chuckle… man, I had no clue then.

Although the game was difficult, the extra lives helped me and my fellow players along. The Base 1 puzzle, Energy Zone and Alien Lair were some of the best boards I recall. My Contra play, study..ultimately helped me figure out boss patterns, the ‘thought’ outside the game, or puzzle solving and strategy. Like Mega Man, for those who have played, having the right weapon, in most cases the opposite of the boss. Fire/Water, Earth/Wind… same problem-solving is used today – Elden Ring, The Last Faith, and Black Myth Wukong, etc.

Watch this video and others like it on YouTube Logo YouTube or check out our other videos found under the video category on our website.


Buy Yourself A Fisher Space Pen


Fisher Space Pen

Gear – Fisher Space Pen

Need a pen? Does anyone have a pen? Please, can I borrow a pen? ((Oh, what is this I see…)) A Fisher SPACE PEN? What’s going on? Is this some kind of alien artifact?

Yes, indeed it is a Fisher Space Pen. You can get yours here, just click the Fisher hyperlink and you’re all set! Moving on, this may increase my bounce rates, but who’s keeping track at the point? Let’s take a closer look, first, let’s purchase one! There are many ways to buy these pens, but the manufacturer’s website works best for me. We purchased ours at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. Easy-peasy. One thing to note, Fisher also makes great pens with emblems, NASA Anniversary or Commemorative Pens and more. We choose the basic one, for a full list, check out the NASA Fisher collection. Heck, I should’ve shared photos of the pen, so the Fisher collection shopping experience will have to suffice for now.

Fisher Bullet Pen

It’s rather small, about half the size of a normal pen, textured, black. You can  open the pen by sliding the front cap off the back half and replacing the cap on the back end. This will create a full sized writing instrument.

I use these pens for all my ‘writing/drawing’ needs including writing, drawing, shading, point/pointillism, sketch lines, home improvement (tasks, opening boxes, and random drone part bags). open boxes, random drone part bags).  These writing instruments were designed to be used in outer space! Need I say more? Check out images on

Have a need? Look over our other pens, art supplies and more in this two part series – Part 1 -Drawing Tools and Part 2 – Drawing Tools

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?


Cut, Fit & Refit

EMAX THS & Flight Controller Board

EMAX Cut, Fit and Refit

Lab Work – EMAX Flight Controller


I thought we could revisit the EMAX FC repair on the EMAX THS. I’ve want to follow up on the previous post, focusing more on the specific, showing the repair process and refitting the EMAX FC. Along the way, I’ll share additional photos of the process as well (in case you come across this article and are in a similar situation with a failing FC). Let’s cover the entire process from start to finish – disassembly process, cutting soldering, and test flight. Once again, soldering/replacing the EMAX AIO FC. Enjoy the photos.

Drone Repair Photos
New Parts

New Parts





Drone Frame

Drone Frame

Add Connections

Add Connections

Reattach Power

Reattach Power

Once you have all the parts, fitted, soldered and ready for flight, we will need to configure the FC. Rest, bind, configure and fly, in that order. Check out the EMAX FC and BetaFlight post for more information. You can also learn more about the repair, configuration process and in-flight troubleshooting. If you are having troubles, log into the EMAX Support Portal for assistance with your EMAX products. Lastly, I want to reiterate the steps to fix the FC – Support EMAX THS, remove EMAX FC screws from the Drone PC frame, Cut/Add Connection to Board, Re-Attach New Power Connector with the Battery Carrier”. Time has  moved on since the original post, I wanted to share other Emax content where applicable. If you’re looking for Emax content,  give these a shot (in reverse order from this postings date) – Emax Fix Part 1 and Part 2, Quadcopter Rewire, and the TinyHawk 2

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

EMAX FC and Betaflight

Update EMAX Flight Controller with BetaFlight

FIXED: EMAX & Configurators –


EMAX – Betaflight

Betaflight Config – Today, we (you and I) tackle some drone issues… make/model drone controller configs ((same drone, FRSKY controller profiles)), soldering/replacing EMAX AIO FC, and BETA config issues. Photos to follow.

In the meantime, sit back and relax, enjoy… enjoy the pain, the torment, cause I’ve been at this for days… Literally, days. Nothing but borrowed time; borrowed not wasted! Link above will get you your very own Betaflight configurator via Chrome extension.

FC And BetaFlight
Betaflight Receiver/Modes




Betaflight PID Mode

PID Mode

Betaflight Notes

BetaFlight Notes

Like most things, there are more ways to make your cake and eat it. The Chrome extension is helpful when bouncing back-and-forth between systems/releases/drones etc. I run Big Sur MacOS, Ubuntu Linux and a Win Server 7… it’s handy here, as the config remains the same, helps to maintain a certain sense of sanity. Especially when you’re a NOOB.

Two, from time to time, I run my Win7Server via MS Remote Desktop or Linux instance via Oracle’s Virtual Box. One advantage might be number of USB ports available… as you know, most MacBook Pros are limited to 3 of 4 USB-C ports. Unless you run usb ports, which I don’t care for (B.S. but that is for another day). Anyhow, regardless of how you run Betaflight, be aware of the nuances, versioning and pitfalls with each new iteration or release. T

ake notes, take screenshots, vlog about it… anything to help you remember the ‘deltas’ (change) over time. These will come in handy the next time you crash or repair your drones. Notes and support can be found here: Betaflight – Github Notes/Docs Moreover, issues came up when I swapped AIO boards, soldering power and reconfiguring modes. For more information, I posted more about the config, various configs like EmuFlight and BLHeli, look for 8/17/2020 post – Hack’r-A-Thon//

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?


Check Out

One Fire, Once A Month

1FYR - One Fire, Once A Month

Lab Work – 1Fyr, One Fire, Once A Month

One Fire, Once A Month

Web • TWBS3 Twitter Bootstrap V3 • CMS Content Management System • Business/Marketing Analytics • Hosting • Webmail • SEO Search Engine Optimization – Google Analytic

Family and friends, come and enjoy the outdoors;! We are currently waiting for new content as our resources have run dry for the moment. This (means we do not have a ‘fire pit’ to film, produce and publish fires regularly, or at least once a month. Therefore, the monthly fire concept is on hold for now. However, you can still visit the website @ WE will continue to post updates, or 1Fyr update(s), as they become available. We are hopeful for more content to come in the near future. Stay tuned for new updates!

Track N Field 2 Video

Olympic Mode Video

@NintendoComplete does TNF II

Lab Work – Track N Field 2 Video play-through by @nintendoComplete

Track N Field 2 Video is considered one of the best games ever on the NES console.

Swimming, shooting, diving, triple jump and hammer throw are all part of a day’s work in Olympic Mode – Track N’ Field 2. There are more events, like canoeing, pole vaulting, fencing, taekwondo, hang gliding, archery, hurdles and the horizontal bar.

I believe those are all the events in Olympic Mode, and each one can progressively get harder as the games progress. Don’t worry, there are passwords and ways to save your progress if you need to take a break. These games are not to difficult; as a child, maybe, but nowadays, with a few hours of practice and some internet research, you should be able to compete and complete events with better times or scores. It may vary, depending on your accuracy and knowledge of the puzzle or strategy required for the selected event. Hang Gliding is an example for this.

No matter what you’re favorite events are, there are plenty to choose from, which means there are enough events that could act as a spoiler or stumbling block when playing with others. Just keep at it, and you’ll get the hang of it!

Watch along as @NintendoComplete completes the 100% play-through. Thank you, @nintendoComplete, watch this video and others like it on YouTube Logo YouTube. Or find our other videos under the video category on our website.

Star Wars Repost

The Star Wars Repost Journey

Star Wars Repost 9 Movie Collection

StarWars: Repost

Lab Work – Repost

REPOST – Star Wars Repost

I wanted to repost this content a while back, but didn’t work out as I had expected. While cleaning up some old files, we stumbled upon our AppleTV receipt for the StarWars Boxset (9 Movie Set) on Apple Movies – Star Wars 9 Movie Collection. This prompted the need to repost. There are other box sets available, but I wanted to quickly touch on this one. Let’s get started, we rewatched the entire Star Wars Collection, and will be posting some images and a few words to highlight our experience with the movie collection.

StarWars Repost
Star Wars Collection 1


Star Wars Collection 2


Star Wars Collection 3


Star Wars Collection 4


Star Wars Collection 5


Assuming you have the time, may be some popcorn popping up in the microwave, it’s time to sit and watch the Star Wars Collection. Whether it’s for leisure or work, if you’re Start Wars fan and know more about the series than the average person, feel free to comment, provide feedback, or offer criticisms below. In fact, we found the Apple Collection on discount, along with other formats and discount codes out there that may help with the cost of the 9 movie Star Wars Collection.

Quickly before we run our of runway for the year, this post was reposted just before the holiday. Here are some other links which can be found under our recent projects forthcoming article posted a few days back which include Star Wars Box Set, Dogminer2, RPI4 Touch and tips on Google Analytics (GA).

Before you buy each movie individually, do you homework to help spread out some of the cost. The images below are not in any particular order, but we wanted to share some additional screenshots for your enjoyment. Anyway, enjoy! As always, leave a comment below and let us know what you’re thinking!

Lego Base Mod 2

iPad Tablet Base

Workshop Side Projects (2)

Lego Base Mod

Lab Work – Lego Device Housing or Base

Lego® Base Mod update… it’s been awhile since I’ve posted any information or updates on the tablet/device base, so here it is base mod 2.

  • Situation – think fast, tablet housing. Need a handsfree, desktop friendly table housing.
  • Challenge Lego Base Mod 2 – build a tablet housing (landscape orientation only) to house an iPad. Regardless of what model or make, we had an iPad, make something that will work in 5 mins. Go!
  • Accessible materials – Legos®, Toothpicks, Pipe cleaners, various
  • Go!

While the Lego Base Mod 2 challenge is primarily for prototyping, try it for yourself. I’ll pull this forward, as I talked about buying bricks 300 pcs set or in bulk (4lbs) if need be. It’s handy to have bricks and Lego parts around the shop, a few bricks, some connectors and you’ve got you very own DIY project build. If this isn’t your style, we recommend getting your hands on the Brenthaven.

I’m pulling this content forward, second edition accounts for ‘tipping’ and/or stability issue, number of bricks, screen angle and orientation. Issues, devices would tip or fall forward/backward depending on how the user might set the device. Reduced a few bricks, however most were repurposed as support columns or ‘feet’ which helped acute screen angles. Moving forward, mod features portrait and landscape viewing. Caveat, charging cord need was nixed, user will have to set the tablet down when charging or charge in landscape only. There will come a point, at some point, we will include a charging cord mod down the road. Previous Side Project Lego Tablet Build article for reference. Or just start here, let’s check out a Lego mobile board housing! Or model train depot!

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

City Year

Rock The Red

City Year Presents “Rock the Red Jacket” Gala

City Year Invitation

Lab Work – “Rock the Red Jacket” Gala 2014

City Year, Annual Gala, Rock The Red Jacket 

Print • eMarketing Email Campaign • Multi-Layered Event Invitation and More.

I worked with City Year leadership, members, and students to create invitations for the “Rock the Red Jacket’ Gala and a digital campaign.  You can find more information about the student leadership association through City Year Cleveland. The goal was to foster connections between students and teachers, and provide resource and information for those involved in the student leadership group. Side note, explore other educational services and work associated with The University of Cal. Berkeley, University School, Supreme Bar Review and more.

Additionally, I personally donated a painting of the city for a closed auction to help raise money and awareness for the association. Stay tuned for more designs. You can view my latest sketches, design work and creations. More to designs to come. Check out my latest sketches, design work and/or creations via X @salleetech. You can also explore other pieces in my online portfolio and other work under the portfolio website tag. If you are interested in purchasing artwork, you can find those pieces or studies under the artwork category.

Find more items like this by using the magnifying glass (spyglass) at the top of the page to conduct a search.


NEOUPA Usability Day Celebration

UPA – World Usability Day (NEO)

NEOUPA Invitation

Lab Work – UXPA – NEOUPA

NEOUPA, now, Usability Professionals Association (UXPA) – Celebrating World Usability Day

Print • eMarketing • Event Invitation and More

NEOUPA – World Usability Day 2008. Here you can find information on upcoming events, how to participate, and ways to get involved with World Usability Day.

I became involved in two ways. First I took on an active leadership role as the Experience Chair. Chair for NEOUPA (North Eastern Ohio Usability Professionals Association) and AIGA, The Professional Association for Design. During my term(s), serving both organizations simultaneously, I set goals and established the direction for learning, research, and usability sessions focused on enhancing the user experience. Secondly, I chartered a new course for the two associations by emphasizing the exploration, mastery and integration of three key disciplines: user experience, design, and development. I identified overlapping and distinct skills, worked to enhance and update professional skills, and promoted interdisciplinary collaboration amongst professions in each  field. The objective was to bring individuals together, foster collaboration, and enable professionals to deliver exceptional user experiences.

One way to spread the message and direction was through World Usability Day. Here you will find an example of marketing slip, informing the general association, non-members and leaders in the area. Although it’s been many years since my time as chair, I enjoyed learning and networking with other professionals. Today, I retain membership in both – AIGA, and UXPA, as a member at large.