Light Phone2

Buy The Light Phone2 For Yourself

We Test, We Analyze and Use The Light Phone 2

Light Phone 2 - LP2

Gear – Light Phone 2

Light Phone2 – Barebones Smart Phone, Simplified, Refined; No nonsense

Here’s a sneak peek,  the Light Phone2 unboxing. Check out the new Light Phone 2 – ready to help you de-sanitize your digital life? It may take several weeks, or even months, before you receive your very own via the parent site.

Light Phone Unboxing






Power On

Power On



There are other sites of course, like secondhand via eBay, or specialty shops like Huckberry which might have an extremely limited quantity and we haven’t seen it for awhile on the site. Upgrade your life, by limiting connectivity; what a concept? TT (Tiny Tech) Certified technology, running Android in a small, easy-to-use case, with a clear text screen. Logic boards are out of stock for this particular model, battery… second go-around.

Received this back (LightPhone2 below) in Nov ’21, just unboxing it here in mid Dec ’21. Service is going to be an issue, but all the pieces work, turns on/off etc. Simple UI, simplified Android OS. Once we get ‘service’ for this thing, look for an update. Update coming mid 1st quarter ’22.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Projects Forthcoming

Projects In Flight, On The Way

We are on it, see our output

RPI Touch

Tech | Tools – Projects Forthcoming

Output Updates, more Projects Forthcoming. You’ll find new Gear, Gadgets, Games, Lessons and more… We produce more content!

Many moons later, after months of hard work, revisions, and a touch of magic, voila! Projects Forthcoming! More content, ready to be read, viewed, and enjoyed on the interwebs. Coming your way in mid ’21. We’ve got some exciting Star Wars content, including cartoons, one-offs, action figures, toys collectables and comic books. And if you love Star Wars, remember to check out the source code or as they say  “Use the Source!” Great holiday gifts include the Seinfeld series, power tools, hosting issues (Hostgator, BlueHost and NewFold/Endurance experiment). Speaking of fun things, Dogeminer2, the second greatest – mouse click game. First, being Dogeminer in my opinion, IMO.

Other Projects On The Horizon

How about tinkering with the Raspberry Pi – RPI4 Touch (featured image for this post)? Maybe dive into GA(Google Analytics, WordPress features, or explore some fire videos on | Oh and by the way, MBEMO fell to some hackery, so I’m moving it forward and repurposing it as a PHP reference guide. Future updates will include moving old topics.

MBEMO has been moved and repurposed; now a PHP reference guide or resource. Anyway, It’s back up, running… Favorite part of Projects Forthcoming or ‘keeping up with the new’. Likewise, BurmPy is in build, as I’m able to focus on the old and retro! Some new stuff coming this year. Anything from iPhone | Android game apps, tools and ‘hackery’. Some might be good, some bad, but most will be interesting. Stay tuned for more updates!

This is a good time to share other articles on the way and by the time you read this article, we’ve posted updates and more than a few articles on similar topics. Legos – Board Housing and Tablet support.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

MBP Mid’18

MBP Mid’18 OEM Battery Replacement

Apple MacBook Pro Mid’18 Battery

Macbook Pro Battery Swap

Lab Work – MBP Issues

MBP Mid’18 Battery and Logic board Issues/Failure – perform a complete teardown, replacement, and reboot to fix there issues.


Our primary machine is the Late MBP ’18 Battery Swap that we use to run the latest applications and code. Recently, it crashed during an upgrade for Mojave/Catalina to BigSur. This ‘upgrade’ coincided with the mid/late summer updates from WWDC. We experienced boot issues, kernel panics, and had to reinstall after reformatting form MAC Journaled to AFPS. We also had to deal with installer packages, boot scripts, and even installed Ubuntu 21, which resulted in a lack of mouse or keyboard functionality.  

Battery Repair

Clean Drive

Utility Tool

Utility Tool

Reinstall System

Reinstall System



Load OS

Load OS



They say pictures are worth a thousands words or more, so let’s take a peek. Oh, and don’t forget ‘csrutil’ enable and disable for unwanted apps, native apps and clearing system integrity ‘issues’. This command only works when you run Recovery Mode, in Terminal Utility… we can just leave that there for another day. One other item to note, this is all MacOS specific. Assuming your running a MacOS alt OS on a Windows (PC), Linux, Linux Alternatives and/or VM, downloads are available and are similar when unpacking the root cause.

Repair Actions
  • Flash Old Version of MacOS and Installer Package
  • Create USB Install via Terminal
  • Etcher
  • Check OS Version (if possible) MacOs Version Compatibility
  • Reset PRAM, Run Diagnostics, Internet Recovery, Target Disk to Move existing files; all there, just make sure you know what version of MacOS. If you don’t, click the ‘Apple’ Icon at the top/left -> Select About This Mac -> Overview. This assumes you have a running version of MacOS. Or check the Apple Product# on the underside of your Macbook Pro and work forward…
  • MacOS Startup KeyBoard Combinations
  • Diagnose Error Codes -1008F, Address Overheating and Fan Control
  • Apple Support thread specific to -1008f
  • Remove Device from iCloud – Find Device, Disable AFPS Admin Security Settings
  • Backup Drive to external storage device
  • Handy Drive SanDisk Drive
  • Clean/Remove Drive, Remove AFPS Drive/Volume(s)
  • Internet Recovery High Sierra, MacOS and Installer Package (Pre El Capitan, Yosemite or Lion)
  • MacOS Mojave
  • MacOS High Sierra
  • Boot MacOS Install, Reinstall Existing Apps, Install Catalina working patches, updates
  • Install New Apps, Settings and Remove unwanted settings as it relates to latest OS
  • Maintain existing MacOS sans MacOS OS Upgrades or Forced Updates, Uncheck installation automation for all apps, requiring system to be manually updated
  • Bootcamp Install, Flash/Install WIN10, Throw-out old server (Z400)
  • Oracle Virtual Box
  • ISOs – MS – WIN10.iso, Ubuntu – Ubuntu 21.10
  • With the addition of MacOS Server

Key takeaways, include make/model, year, shipped quarter, chipset(s) and chip security settings. If your computer is locked, check the iCloud device status, remember install package pre/post logic board changes. We chose this route because all logic boards for this particular machine have been out of stock and remain unavailable for this model. It makes one wonder why. There is no need to replace the battery just yet, but we may have to do so on the second go-around.

When I have the opportunity, I will post a few pictures of Windows 10 running in Boot Camp, Ubuntu 21 running with keyboard and mouse support, and other images for MacOS Server, etc. As always, feel free to leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking!

Dogeminer v2

Dig Out The Dogeminer V2


Dogeminer v2

Lab Work – Get Some Doge

Fan favorite, Check out Dogeminer v2; don’t forget to save your game.

Get your Doge on, with Dogeminer v2. When was the last time you played and took your doge to outer space?

I’m not forcing you to play Doge, but may be you should (just kidding, I don’t need more people on the Doge servers)! Anyway, we recommend playing Doge or Doge 2… It’s a great game that’s easy-to-play, just tap along, build, blast off, and go where no doge has gone before. Say goodbye to app crashing, progress loss, or game issues. The best part of this game is the ability to save a downloadable file for later. Better screenshots will have to wait next time! These Dogeminer v2 games should suffice for now.

In Game Experience










Doge 2 is on the very short list of online games we cover: Dogeminer, Penguin Flight, SuperTux, SuperTuxCart, Drug Wars… the usual suspects. How about newer games like Clash of Clans, MLB The Show 23 or vintage – NES Ice Climber? Where it’s Doge or CoC, keep gaming. As usual leave a comment below and  let us know what you’re thinking!

BurmPy and R

Learn Py and R

Strengthen Your Knowledge with BurmPy and R


Lab Work – BurmPy and R

As mentioned a few weeks ago, it almost feels like it was more than a month ago now. WE have a few projects in progress or on the digital work-bench:,, and our R Programming deep dive. The same goes for Astrononymous, MBEMO and more.

There’s no need to grab a pitchfork for this Burmese Python (BurmPy). Consider this more of a heads up and a milestone as we continue to expand our educational series. We’ve already launched Bootstrap, html and JS. Now it’s times to shift our focus to the Python and R pipeline. It could be a good goal  to package these two languages (Python and R) along with JS. Please bear with us as we work on these projects in an iterative process.

That being said, we have already converted the Bootstrap reference site (Borg2borg website). The others will follow as we develop, build and release those projects. Good news – we have started to convert BurmPy, creating a future ‘home’ in our educational series at Like 1Fyr, Borg2borg and the others, this entity will also carry on the TWBS Bootstrap test case, using the latest Bootstrap build. So, more information will be coming in the coming weeks/months. Keep your eyes pealed.

More pictures are coming, please excuse the mess… Our Github code and ghists are always available. Unfortunately, we are working in the background to finish Burmpy screenshots, clean them up, and prepped are them for consumption.



ASCII Code Chart

Artwork – ASCII Art

ASCII Characters and Binary code…. got to love this stuff.

Back in the day, ASCII was our only form of communication. In the late 90’s beepers and rudimentary multi-key cell phones could only text the old way. I would spend hours creating the best coded language to share with friends and this chart of characters became art.

For you younger folks out there, who may not know what I’m writing about – “ASCII, is a standard data-encoding format for electronic communication between computers. ASCII assigns standard numeric values to letters, numerals, punctuation marks, and other characters used in computers. In full: American Standard Code for Information Interchange.” – ASCII – Per Britannica. Take it or leave it. We use it for art… and pictographs.

Those days are in the past, I know. But it was still, fun while it lasted. Here’s a list of all the characters and binary codes to inspire your next piece of art. Don’t be shy, don’t keep your art to yourself! Share it with others.

RAW ASCII (has spacing issues, we know… #$#$@ browser… may repost if it doesn’t work)

ASCII Examples

Code Chart

War Of The Worlds ASCII

War Of The Worlds



Oh, and before I forget, we aren’t talking about generated artwork… we are talking about the good, the bad and the unusual character art. My personal favorite is the local “Skunk Ape”, “Grassman” or “Alien ‘Big Foot’ Hunter”. Just a few I recall from back in the day. Rules were broken below when ‘creating’ these ASCII images. ((SHOUT OUT)) to the artist who converted these TUX and Dwight images to ASCII. The TUX ‘piece’ may need to find it’s way onto a t-shirt or hat.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Oracle VBox – Virtual Appliances

Virtual Appliances, VImages, VDI’s, ISO’s

Oracle Virtual box

Tech | Tools – Virtual Appliances

Virtual Box Oracle VBox – Virtual Appliance(s), get it now… assuming you haven’t encountered a situation where you needed a different system than the one you are using, are stuck with, or are having trouble running native apps. 

Oracle Virtual Box – is a great starting point. Be sure to explore the latest and best virtualized products. Ideally, it’s a useful ‘virtual’ appliance to have on hand in the shop, to run VDI’s – Virtual Desktop Infrastructure or ISO – Copy (of the) Optical Disc Image. I came across an article about this previously, as I have written about it before, while testing other OS, OS Variants, Solutions, Drone Flight sims, Flight Configs, etc. Trust me, the Virtual Box tool is very useful of testing almost any compute/browser combinations. In our case, we prefer the Oracle product for non Windows needs, while Boot Camp works well for  Windows environments pretty well. We will cover those another time, but for now check out this handy post ( to paste into your browser… Your choice – BSD, Fedora, Linux Varietals and more. Other image offering can be found here:These OS Boxes Linux Images.

Virtual Environments – VBOX or Parallels for mAC

REMEMBER TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Check what’s there. It may take many, many, many tries) to get this stuff to work in an optimal fashion, but you’ll get it soon enough. Testing is key. Donate where you can!

A few other notes, I’m sure you have your own process, but we use Virtual Box for lots of stuff*… testing, games, browser ‘wars’, IoT stuff* and more*. Below you will find a few screenshots of Virtual Box and MS Remote Desktop. The goal was to cover as many systems, device varieties, OS images and tools as possible Always remember, just have fun.

Good time to highlight premade, premier machines. Before we wrap up, have a look at Puget Systems, these machines are top of the line, premier computers, bar none; this one setup for Adobe software.

One last point, these virtual environments can be used for IoT testing. Note, that since the screenshots were taken/shared, we’ve added Virtual Box to MacOS, running a litany of ISOs. Those can be found here, included for your convenience! We certainly enjoy using this method for just about anything. Please see the posting on Debian Buster starting with the Ubuntu IoT ISOs.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

VM's - Download VB Boot Starting VB Image VB Android Launch


Coletti Camp Percolator

Get Your Own – Colletti Camp Pot

Camp pot - Coletti Pot

Gear – Coletti Camp Percolator

Camp Pot – Big fan of my camp percolator, or use it for everything coffee.

Lifetime guaranteed. If you’re looking for a simple, no fuss coffee pot, look no further. We tossed out the old Keurig, what a mess. The COLETTI COLETTI CAMP POT (percolator) was the answer and has now been in use for just under a year. It’s a simple 5, 7, or 9 cup pot, stainless, no frills, glass percolator top. THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF THIS CONTRAPTION!

The COLETTI CAMP POT percolator is a versatile pot that can be used anywhere, in the office, outdoors, or on your next camping trip. This pot is typically used on a stove top indoors, making at least 9 cups per round. You can also opt for the 12 cup option for just a few dollars more, around $45 with tax and shipping included.

Buy A Percolator
Camp Percolator


Coletti Top

Pot Top

Get your own COLETTI CAMP POT… Check out the Coletti Bozeman Camp Percolator for yourself. By the way, if you choose this pot, make sure to buy an extra perc glass top. The COLETTI replacement comes 2 per pack. We broke ours by flipping the top wildly, like the wild, wild west during the ill-fated wash process. We didn’t screw the top tight enough, flipped the lid, and the top flew like a rock screaming out of a Roman Catapult onto the tile floor. 

Lastly, if you’re looking for some great coffee, give Heart Roasters a shot. My favorite is the Ethiopia Worka Sakaro. As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Tree Study

A Season Of Change

Tree Study


Artwork – Tree Study Series

Changing seasons, progression of time. A Tree study.

We watch as branches sway back and forth in the breeze, a snowy winter is coming . Snow covers their barren branches, with no leaves for what seems like months. Out of the window,  we see the sun, and we follow this specimen through time a passage of time, as seasons change.

Watch as the seasons change, growth after a tremendously long winter pause, makes for a nice tree study – a full progression (6 part series) of this particular area outside the house. Actually, this tree sits just outside the window, within arms reach. There were times, if a storm whipped up enough of a gust, the branches would scrap and the window. No damage just bone chilling noise to encounter during a heightened time or situation during a winter storm. New life emerges in the spring, followed by a spring trim. In the warm glow of late day, branches stretch, and bounce, pushing out their bark and leaves for more sun light.

More coming soon, please check back later. Be sure to view my latest sketches and artwork on X @salleetech for progression photos. You can also explore other pieces and artwork in the artwork category.

Season Change


Summer Time

Summer Time

Trees Dusk


Morning Light

Morning Sun

Trees Late Afternoon

Late Afternoon



Trees Pixelated


Sallee Technology Merchandise

Sallee Technology Gear and More

Yeti™ Mugs, Columbia™ Fleeces, FlexFit™ & Champion™ Hats

Get Sallee Technology Merch Today

Gear – Sallee Technology Merchandise

View or Purchase Sallee Technology Merchandise

More on the way, I still have a few items left in the merchandise bin. What are your thoughts on hats? Should I do a new run of mugs, maybe some Yeti® mugs? Want one? If you’re interested, let me know via email. Right now, the 20oz Tumblers are $42.

Sallee Technology Merchandise
Yeti Mugs

Yeti Mugs

Yeti Tumbler

Yeti Tumbler

Champion Hats

Champion Sports Hats

Champion Hats

Champion Golf Hats



Fleece jackets fresh off the embroidery press, are now available. We have Columbia™ – Dark Blue jackets with Sallee Technology for $80 each (only two left). All other swag is currently being ordered and will be up on the site soon. We do have a few jackets on hand, so feel free to reach out if you’re interested.

Please note that the Velcro 110 FlexFit™ Hats are currently out of stock, but we are working on replacing them with the Champion™ hats soon. As for the tumblers and other items, they are still in stock. We have a variety of merchandise available, so check out the listing below:

Merch & Gear Listing
  • Yeti™ 20oz Tumbler – $42 Black/Steel (raw) Logo
  • Columbia™ Fleece, Full Zip – $80 Dark Blue Logo: S, M, L, Xl, XXl
  • Champion™ Jersey Material – $25 Black/Orange Logo: One Size, Velcro Back
  • Champion™ Sport Material – $25 Black/Orange Logo: One Size, Velcro Back
  • Flexfit (Yupoong™) Mesh Trucker – $20 Faded Salmon Logo – Black: One Size, Fitted
  • 110 Flexfit (Yupoong™) – $20 Faded Salmon Square Logo w/o text – Black: One Size, Velcro Back out of stock

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?