Jenkins ‘Africa’ Toto Video

‘Africa’ by Toto Video

‘Africa’ Cover On The Stylophone

Video – Stylophone, A Pocket Synth

Check out this simple video of @joejenkins titled Jenkins “Africa” by Toto Video, covering Toto’s song “Africa” on the stylophone.

First off, Joe can play just about anything, guitar, piano, and now the stylophone. Add the stylophone to the list of instruments this talented musician can play. And now you have my attention, @joejenkins. @JoeJenkins is known as a street artist or musician, more of a content creator(in my opinion). You have to like what he is doing in context of music and street art. Bringing music to the masses, to the street. His YouTube channel states that he is a professional guitarist, but I think there’s more to him than just guitars and pianos… Anyhow, nice work here, great channel, and a fantastic cover of Toto’s “Africa”. Cheers, Joe! If you keep making videos, we will probably keep watching! Those of you who know of Joe, or not, give him a like or subscribe, he’s super talented; hence the stylophone.

Watch this Toto cover video by @joejenkins and others like it on Jenkins'Africa' Toto Video - YouTube Logo YouTube or check out our other videos found under the video category on our website.

Ender Upgrade Adhesion Issue

Adhesion Issues, Bed Temp

Latest Ender Chaos

Ender Issue 26

Lab Work – Humor Is The Only Way Sometimes

The Lead, 6 hour+ print chaos; let’s address and tackle these Ender Upgrade Adhesion Issues. We will put the Halot Sky Resin vat cover issue, on hold and focus on the Ender 3 Neo Max bed adhesion problems. It has taken over 5 hours to troubleshoot, with fans running and a cooling bed plate. There are numerous issues to tackle!

Let’s Troubleshoot
Extruder Pressed Down

Extruder Pressed Down

Bed Inspection

Bed Inspection

Extruder Removed

Extruder Removed

Sensor Globule

Sensor Globule


Heating Element


Close Up

Track Bands Off

Track Bands Off

Missing Tension Knobs

Missing Tension Knobs

Extruder Into Plate

Extruder Pushing Plate

Current Status, Visual Check

Secondly, we are missing hand-tension screws and tension belts. There is a literal mess of PLA covering 60% or more of the printer, extrusion head, bed and assembly. Fortunately, I walked in post-print as a tension belt was in the process of removing itself from the printer head.

That concludes the visual inspection portion of the Ender Upgrade Adhesion Issue. Moving forward, we have the printer head back together, PLA cleaned off, tension belts applied. Next and not captured below, replace adhesion plate, tension screws, and restart the machine for calibration. Look for update posts here in the next day or two.

What is the purpose of the print? I wanted to put a cover on the Halot Sky (V1) Resin vat, but I am not sure where the original cover might have gone – it could have been misplaced, broken, scrapped or lost. More importantly, the print itself was lost. From the perspective of the ‘pressman’, the printable seems to have failed to adhere to the build plate. After checking the settings, it was discovered that the ironing was off, and the printer head was buried into the print plate. This is not good for the printer or its parts. Additionally, there was a concerning sound of tension belts releasing and printer head/plate friction. However, the print fix is currently being fixed, and we will provide an update at a later date or time.

Finally, we replace build plate, hand screws, springs, restart/update firmware and calibration.

Happy 4th ’23

Get the Grills, BBQ or Fire Pit out, we’re Grilling Out

Happy Independence Day ’23

Adverts – Celebrating Another Year

The lead on this Happy 4th of July ’23 was promising at first, with a resin vat cover printed on a Halot Sky Resin vat cover via an Ender 3 Max Neo taking over 6 hours. However, just over 5 hours after starting, we encountered numerous issues – lots of them! Firstly, we discovered missing hand screw (tension), misplaced tension belts (x and y axis belts), and PLA ooze covering over 40%  of the hot end/extruder. This was not a good look and definetly not a good start to the holiday. The amount of PLA filament or print material wasted was ridiculous. It was clear that we missed the disaster in the making, with filament spread out around the adhesion plate and beyond.

What A Mess

Thirdly, you could say I walked into a mess.  Or better yet,  the x-axis tension belt relieved itself of duty by removing itself from the printer head. Please see the pictures shared below, what a mess. Anyhow, we have the printer head back together, PLA cleaned off, tension belts applied. Next, and not captured below, we will replace the adhesion plate, tension screws, and restart the machine for calibration. Look for update posts here in the next day or two.

Finally, what is the purpose of the print? Well, from a work perspective, I wanted to get a cover on the Halot Sky (V1) Resin vat. So, the goal was to fix the resin vat and then shift over to the PLA filament testing.  Obviously, this didn’t happen as planned, as the test print took a turn for the worse, as did the work. All in all, the print was lost probably within the first couple of hours; by the looks of it, plate adhesion was the issue. The filament was to0 cold, or not hot enough to adhere to the plate and keep. Side note, ironing is off. The printer head assembly it self was dug into the plate; plowed into the print plate. There are scratch marks from the assembly failure. By the way, not a great sound, tension belts releasing and printer head/plate friction. Anyhow, the printer has been fixed and is working on a new print in process. More posts, more prints coming your way at a later date/time.

Before You Go

Let’s chat about some recent articles that you might be interested in viewing. Interested? If so, those of you out on the water, inlets, canals etc. fisherman alike, check out the West Marine – Adventurer Lifevest – class V inflatable. It’s lightweight, comfortable and no-nonsense when you need it most in the event of an emergency. Helpful to have around for the holiday week, weekend in and around Florida. Two, have back up batteries for your electronics, we recently picked up a few emergency batteries for the satellite phone by Inmarsat. And more importantly, a sous vide cooking station. I’ll be making some Brussels and bacon as a side dish for tomorrow’s festivities… if I clear away the mess above (we will get that sorted soon enough)! We’ve had a few articles on the sous vide over the years, cool little gadget for prepping meals… Speaking of, need to start the prep work for this years 4th celebration. 

With that, I’ll sign off here, this is Happy 4th ’23 for now. Next replace plate, hand screws, springs, restart/update firmware and calibration.

Supercell Clash Terms Update

Working Out Those T’s And C’s – Supercell Clash

Supercell Clash Of Clans Update

Supercell Terms and ID

Materials – New Terms, New Character and New Chaos

We have officially retired our Clash of Clans account, following the latest Supercell Clash Terms Update. This update introduced additional TH15  requirements, hero levels, a split builder camp, and multi-level builder battles. I will refrain from sharing my thoughts on the update as we have already announced out retirement. As mentioned above, we recently received the latest Terms/Services update. I am curious to understand the primary reason behind the Supercell ID connection rules.

While I will keep my comments respectful regarding the Supercell Clash Terms Update, it seems that online players will be required to stick with IDs they currently have. It is one thing to increase usage and enhace gameplay, but the idea of this update being solely for the benefit of the player seems questionable. However, if you wish to disconnect your account, please contact Supercell Support before September 2023.

May be worth a chat, click to read other CoC posts or general articles, or connect the Supercell Team

Ender Filament and Adhesion Issues

Filament Challenges and More

Print Plate Surface Adhesion and Heating Issues

3D Printer Adhesion Issues with PLA and TPU

Lab Work – Ender Issues Defined

A few more weeks of Ender issues…

Ender Filament and Adhesion Issues, are causing a delay in the TPU Neo Max upgrade progress. I will be sharing more Ender ‘lite’ issues, as we continue the TPU trial and face filament challenges. The filament change was primarily for lab work on bait designs and future locking mechanisms where TPU will be more appropriate. Despite this tangent, core printing has not ceased, I am still facing challenges with PLA.

Ender Filament and Adhesion Issues

There are countless issues that seem infinite at the moment. Everything from  Creality Software to Ultimaker Cura, Sonic Pad issues, filament running temp, and new surface temperature problems… we have a lot of cover. I will break these down into 2 or 3 new posts over the next week. We will also revisit surface adhesion. Surface adhesion and surface temperature seem to be causing most of the issues on the Ender Max Neo. I must admit, tinkering doesn’t always result in perfect prints, even 60% to 80% of the time. I won’t argue, I’ll just focus on testing… the more runs, the better chance we have of increasing that 60% likelihood of successful prints.

Pictures will follow,  as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. The pictures will be shared to specifically cover thickness, fragility and test prints. Let’s get to printing!

Brussels & Bacon

Maple Glazed Brussels And Bacon

Do You Fancy Maple Syrup?

Maple Bacon & Brussels

Lab Work – Maple Glazed Bacon Brussel Sprouts

A moment of honesty, I’ve never liked Brussel sprouts; I know the shame.

Yes, the horror… Brussels and bacon… did I mention maple syrup? Like most things, I’ve learned to enjoy the combination, especially when finished with maple syrup. I never thought I would use maple syrup as an alternative glaze, but, yes, it’s good.

Honestly, there is nothing better in life than the combination of sweet and savory flavors, such as salty mixed with a fine coating of maple syrup. Don’t over do it on the syrup, if not syrup, a balsamic reduction will suffice. If not, simple salt will do the trick. When I was growing up, mini cabbages were bland, or just down right not good. Again, as a kid, no body likes sprouts. However, by simply adding salt or a sweet and salty component, the dish is elevated to a higher level. It goes from being a side dish to a main dish. This is a great combination for holiday meals, get- togethers, or a change of pace at home. lifts the dish to higher ground. Kick your home-cooked meals up a  notch with sprouts, syrup, and bacon.

I’m not a foodie, foodie-a-phile or a food blogger/vlogger, but give it a shot for yourself. Try it, what’s the worst that can happen? You know, I might post a few more things beyond the combo, like the sous vide ‘meat’… I think I might try to share the trials and tribulations of making a simple donut, some creme brûlée, and maybe a great soft pretzel. Again, take it or leave it, I thought it might be a good experiment or a disastrous. Better yet, for the sake of creating great internet content, I guess. 

Look for a few more items to creep into the output section, along with the sous vide adventures. And yes, some fantastic Brussels finished in maple syrup and bacon. Enjoy

Ender 3 Max Neo Filament

Printer Base Stabilization, Adhesion and Print Heights

Ender 3 Max Neo Filament Solutions

Filament Everywhere

Lab Work – TPU Speed and Cycle Times

For this article on the Ender 3 Max Neo Filament, a typical print cycle might run between 2-5 hours, possibly more. While the standard range has been 2-5 hours, we are now looking at 12 – 16 hours. Recently, we have extended the top maximum run times to just under 12 hours for our test models. Surprisingly, both print tests resulted in the a mess.

For the record, a paper towel holder caused this issue twice. Upon initial observation, as the prints moved vertically (up the y-axis), the printing quality deteriorated. Somewhere between the 4″ and 5″ mark, both test prints went awry. 

I’m starting to think there is shaking issue with the table or even a stabilization issue where the printer. is located. Both issues might be addressed by printing the base slices, holder ends, screws, rods, and washers in a single print. These items should be printed separately to attach the towel roll and the rod. The rod that is slung between the holders can be printed in a secondary or tertiary step, This is mitigation issue number one, or we could address the stabilization directly. The printers are currently positioned where they stand, so there is not much I can do to move them around.

Once I received the new filament, we will print the rod. If it works, great. If not, then step two will be more tedious. The issue is mostly a space problem in the office. The filament should arrive later today, and I will post a quick summary once I finish printing the rod slice, assuming it is successful.

Ironically, a similar issue was occurring when I ran TPU through the machine. So we can conclude the Ender 3 Max Neo Filament post with this. Although I don’t think they are related, adhesion was the issue with TPU. Which we will address in a future post once we determine the correct nozzle temps, print speed, and adhesion setup. I have heard/read about using adhesion spray or glue stick. Another day, we will tackle those 3d printer issues/phantom printing phenomenon.

3d Printer Usage

3d Printer UsageUsage, New and Refurbed

Best 3d Printers On the market ’23

Halot Sky

Lab Work – 3d Printers

See 3D Poll Below (closed), participate in the ‘who’s who of 3D Printer Usage Brands and Manufacturers’.

The poll has since closed on 3D Printer Usage. However, what we discovered is interesting. The question was ‘What 3D printers have you used, any success’? We are specifically looking for a TPU thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) filament option. Tests with the NEO Max have been inconsistent, mostly unsuccessful, unless we swap out filaments. Interesting right?

We have generally, stuck with Creality for sometime, maybe four years or more. Today, we are looking for the best TPU lite printer. Do you have any suggestions regarding 3D print usage or brand? We have used Dremel for cutting and sanding, typical applications for a Dremel tool. As for Prusa, we have only used their products in theory, as some items we have purchased were made via a Prusa lab or outsourced printer. Anyhow, we are looking for feedback or comments. Please kindly leave your commentary below.

Please note, if you’re looking to swap out resin liners for the CL-89 model, it is advisable to purchase a number of them in advance, as they can be difficult to find when global stock is low.

Let us know what you’re thinking?

New Halot Sky LCD

Creality Halot Sky Resin 8.9″ LCD Change Out

Halot Sky LCD Replacement

Lab Work – LCD Screen

I know, we started the last post with “Before you start your own 3D printing…”; this post does follow suit. It looks like a bad LCD screen, that needs to be replaced, as well as the film stretched over the resin vat or possibly just some resin damage, for that matter.

We replaced the monochrome LCD screen on the deck of the Halot Sky while we wait for a new FEP resin vat. Please note, if you’re planning to change resin liners (if you manage to find the correct ones for CL-89), it’s a good idea to buy several of them because they can be difficult to find when global stock is low.

Swapped LCD Screen

Swap details: Deconstruct by removing all screws, covers and metal panels. Be careful to disconnect the wires and ribbon cable for the touchscreen. Replace the screen ribbon in the quick connect being careful to reattach the ribbon and black wire for the touchscreen.

Two, clean up any resin residue, pour over, and spillage now. I believe this is  where we made a mistake. The spillage got under the screen, as shown in the featured image for the article. Have a bottle of alcohol on hand to make the cleanup process as easy and effortless as possible. It took about 15-20 minutes in total, as I mentioned, due to the large amount of spillage. Finally, remove the ribbon tape surround and a few screws to gain access to the LCD screen.

Ideally, you’ll want to take your time, being careful to not to rip the LCD tape, or misplace a screw. If you do lose any items, you can always find new pieces in the Spare Parts. If not, try the eBay shop. We will provide a link to our wares but it’s taking some time due to logistical issues. We also sell out items on eBay from time to time, so check them out – we currently have some King books available.

For those who only need the FEP release film, or for our future reference – FEP Release Film – (search eBay for FEP Release film). A side note: FEP film can be hard to find, so eBay might be your best source. If i were a betting man, which I’m not, eBay or Amazon might be the only two sites where you can find spare parts and film. Cheers!

Before we move off the Halot updates, I’d like to share other Halot usage, new Creality series, break-fixes, and finally the idea of adding a resin printer to the 3d printer arsenal.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Halot Liner Before Change Out Halot Liner Before Change Out Halot Liner Before Change Out Halot Liner Before Change Out

My Activity

Rid Yourself Of Search and Location History

Your Google Activity, What You Need To Know

Web History and Your Activity

Lab Work – Manage Your Online Activity

I thought I would throw this out there, for those of you who don’t understand internet ‘activity’ and how to quickly review, remove, delete and stop activity in it’s tracks.

Stop Data Collection  via

Quick and easy, get rid of and delete My Activity now. Simply go to on your computer, assuming you have a Google account. If you’ve new visited this site before, please take the time to do so and research how to disable your data collection if you want to stop the tracking. Additionally, as part of the My Activity removal process, I recommend removing your current account. Followed by creating a new one with all tracking features turned off.

Listen, more people, than you would think have no idea that these devices are collecting information. Specifically, they are collecting health, location, biometric and search data. My Activity is where the important stuff or tracking can be muted, disable and deleted.. Again, that address again, Have a look, good luck. Same can be done on your mobile devices, for either Android or iOS. I’ll post those items in the next few weeks.