Lego Projects
Workshop Activities, On The Bench

Lab Work – Lego Projects
Repost – On The Bench with the Lego Tablet Base
Re-posting or the “Other Lego ‘Side’ Projects”, similar to the Gimbal repost (had to repurpose some content, goal was to better utilize material posted in various places around the web). So, I’ll start with the Legos®… Gotta love Lego® Other Lego ‘Side’ Projects.
- Situation – Think fast tablet housing needed. We need a handsfree, desktop friendly table housing.
- Challenge – Build a tablet housing (landscape orientation only) to house an iPad. Regardless of what the model or make of the iPad, we had an iPad, make something that will work in 5 minutes.
- Accessible materials – Legos®, toothpicks, pipe cleaners, various
- Go!
In short, we were a quick solution with accessible materials that would allow for various solutions, an iterative build process, and be tabletop/desktop friendly. Another Lego ‘Side’ Projects we worked on was creating a new iPad/iPad case that was purchased separately did not come with a handy, integrated stand. This will a future piece of content. We may consider reviewing a few cases that have integrated stands, such as the Brenthaven.
Moving forward, the case we purchased did not have any kind of stand included or attached. It is a fact that buyers often regret not buyinf a tablet case with a stand. In conclusion, we had several bins of Legos lying around the workshop and with a little creativity, we were able to create a fully functioning tablet stand/base. This was our first edition, and while there were second and third iterations that were abandoned due to instability and the number of Lego bricks used, the fourth iteration is currently in progress. We plant to reduce the number of bricks used and adjust the screen angle to accommodate various viewers and users. Additionally, the Lego Housing we are featuring needs to allow for both portrait and landscape viewing, as well as integration with charging cords.
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