Lab Work – Perhaps, the best way to show ‘work’ or work in progress; in most cases, the purpose is to highlight the struggle to find a solution, the test effort and the learning that takes place when fixing stuff. Or another way to share various phases of the problem solving process – hypothesize: test, learn and apply.


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One Fire, Once A Month

1FYR - One Fire, Once A Month

Lab Work – 1Fyr, One Fire, Once A Month

One Fire, Once A Month

Web • TWBS3 Twitter Bootstrap V3 • CMS Content Management System • Business/Marketing Analytics • Hosting • Webmail • SEO Search Engine Optimization – Google Analytic

Family and friends, come and enjoy the outdoors;! We are currently waiting for new content as our resources have run dry for the moment. This (means we do not have a ‘fire pit’ to film, produce and publish fires regularly, or at least once a month. Therefore, the monthly fire concept is on hold for now. However, you can still visit the website @ WE will continue to post updates, or 1Fyr update(s), as they become available. We are hopeful for more content to come in the near future. Stay tuned for new updates!

Star Wars Repost

The Star Wars Repost Journey

Star Wars Repost 9 Movie Collection

StarWars: Repost

Lab Work – Repost

REPOST – Star Wars Repost

I wanted to repost this content a while back, but didn’t work out as I had expected. While cleaning up some old files, we stumbled upon our AppleTV receipt for the StarWars Boxset (9 Movie Set) on Apple Movies – Star Wars 9 Movie Collection. This prompted the need to repost. There are other box sets available, but I wanted to quickly touch on this one. Let’s get started, we rewatched the entire Star Wars Collection, and will be posting some images and a few words to highlight our experience with the movie collection.

StarWars Repost
Star Wars Collection 1


Star Wars Collection 2


Star Wars Collection 3


Star Wars Collection 4


Star Wars Collection 5


Assuming you have the time, may be some popcorn popping up in the microwave, it’s time to sit and watch the Star Wars Collection. Whether it’s for leisure or work, if you’re Start Wars fan and know more about the series than the average person, feel free to comment, provide feedback, or offer criticisms below. In fact, we found the Apple Collection on discount, along with other formats and discount codes out there that may help with the cost of the 9 movie Star Wars Collection.

Quickly before we run our of runway for the year, this post was reposted just before the holiday. Here are some other links which can be found under our recent projects forthcoming article posted a few days back which include Star Wars Box Set, Dogminer2, RPI4 Touch and tips on Google Analytics (GA).

Before you buy each movie individually, do you homework to help spread out some of the cost. The images below are not in any particular order, but we wanted to share some additional screenshots for your enjoyment. Anyway, enjoy! As always, leave a comment below and let us know what you’re thinking!

Lego Base Mod 2

iPad Tablet Base

Workshop Side Projects (2)

Lego Base Mod

Lab Work – Lego Device Housing or Base

Lego® Base Mod update… it’s been awhile since I’ve posted any information or updates on the tablet/device base, so here it is base mod 2.

  • Situation – think fast, tablet housing. Need a handsfree, desktop friendly table housing.
  • Challenge Lego Base Mod 2 – build a tablet housing (landscape orientation only) to house an iPad. Regardless of what model or make, we had an iPad, make something that will work in 5 mins. Go!
  • Accessible materials – Legos®, Toothpicks, Pipe cleaners, various
  • Go!

While the Lego Base Mod 2 challenge is primarily for prototyping, try it for yourself. I’ll pull this forward, as I talked about buying bricks 300 pcs set or in bulk (4lbs) if need be. It’s handy to have bricks and Lego parts around the shop, a few bricks, some connectors and you’ve got you very own DIY project build. If this isn’t your style, we recommend getting your hands on the Brenthaven.

I’m pulling this content forward, second edition accounts for ‘tipping’ and/or stability issue, number of bricks, screen angle and orientation. Issues, devices would tip or fall forward/backward depending on how the user might set the device. Reduced a few bricks, however most were repurposed as support columns or ‘feet’ which helped acute screen angles. Moving forward, mod features portrait and landscape viewing. Caveat, charging cord need was nixed, user will have to set the tablet down when charging or charge in landscape only. There will come a point, at some point, we will include a charging cord mod down the road. Previous Side Project Lego Tablet Build article for reference. Or just start here, let’s check out a Lego mobile board housing! Or model train depot!

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

City Year

Rock The Red

City Year Presents “Rock the Red Jacket” Gala

City Year Invitation

Lab Work – “Rock the Red Jacket” Gala 2014

City Year, Annual Gala, Rock The Red Jacket 

Print • eMarketing Email Campaign • Multi-Layered Event Invitation and More.

I worked with City Year leadership, members, and students to create invitations for the “Rock the Red Jacket’ Gala and a digital campaign.  You can find more information about the student leadership association through City Year Cleveland. The goal was to foster connections between students and teachers, and provide resource and information for those involved in the student leadership group. Side note, explore other educational services and work associated with The University of Cal. Berkeley, University School, Supreme Bar Review and more.

Additionally, I personally donated a painting of the city for a closed auction to help raise money and awareness for the association. Stay tuned for more designs. You can view my latest sketches, design work and creations. More to designs to come. Check out my latest sketches, design work and/or creations via X @salleetech. You can also explore other pieces in my online portfolio and other work under the portfolio website tag. If you are interested in purchasing artwork, you can find those pieces or studies under the artwork category.

Find more items like this by using the magnifying glass (spyglass) at the top of the page to conduct a search.


NEOUPA Usability Day Celebration

UPA – World Usability Day (NEO)

NEOUPA Invitation

Lab Work – UXPA – NEOUPA

NEOUPA, now, Usability Professionals Association (UXPA) – Celebrating World Usability Day

Print • eMarketing • Event Invitation and More

NEOUPA – World Usability Day 2008. Here you can find information on upcoming events, how to participate, and ways to get involved with World Usability Day.

I became involved in two ways. First I took on an active leadership role as the Experience Chair. Chair for NEOUPA (North Eastern Ohio Usability Professionals Association) and AIGA, The Professional Association for Design. During my term(s), serving both organizations simultaneously, I set goals and established the direction for learning, research, and usability sessions focused on enhancing the user experience. Secondly, I chartered a new course for the two associations by emphasizing the exploration, mastery and integration of three key disciplines: user experience, design, and development. I identified overlapping and distinct skills, worked to enhance and update professional skills, and promoted interdisciplinary collaboration amongst professions in each  field. The objective was to bring individuals together, foster collaboration, and enable professionals to deliver exceptional user experiences.

One way to spread the message and direction was through World Usability Day. Here you will find an example of marketing slip, informing the general association, non-members and leaders in the area. Although it’s been many years since my time as chair, I enjoyed learning and networking with other professionals. Today, I retain membership in both – AIGA, and UXPA, as a member at large.

University School

Annual School Gala Presents

‘Make Your Mark’ Gala – University School

US Invitation

Lab Work – US

University School – Make Your Mark Gala, 125 Years

Print • eMarketing Email Campaign • Multi-Layered Event Invitation and More

The goal of the Gala invite was to share the rich history, heritage, and future that makers create at US. The theme, ‘Make Your Mark,’ was coined to convey a message of home for a better life. This life can be created, initiated, and carried out with the values and principles shared by every US student and faculty, solidifying the message of the University School Gala. This annual event focuses on the schools successes, building a brighter future for the makers in our world, and the boys who walk the halls of US. Make Your Mark on the world.

Invitation Design Details
University School Gala Invitation

Gala Invite

US Gala Inserts

Gala Inserts

Thank you for reviewing our University School invitation design. Explore other educational services and work associated with The University of Cal. Berkeley, City Year, Supreme Bar Review and more. We appreciate your attention. Check out my latest sketches and artwork @salleetech and progression photos. You can also explore other pieces and artwork under the category ‘artwork’.

Lego Train Depot

Project – Solder Station Build

AC Gilbert Lego Train Depot

Train Depot - Lego Brick Build

Lab Work – Ready For Service

BOOM! Soldering Station Done

It’s always great to have Legos handy, especially for building the Lego Train Depot. This model features a big smoke-stack and a unique, oblong, and somewhat unstable shape. This is where Legos come in handy. With a few blocks, you can create your very own DIY solder station. You can buy a 300 pcs set or purchase Legos in bulk (4lbs) if necessary, along with some connectors. You can find sets at garage sales or use ones you already have in storage. Look for bargains to gather the pieces and parts needed for these projects builds using Lego bricks..

For this article or application, I believed that stability would be crucial. We needed something to immobilize and stabilize the train while it sat on its top. Ironically, the train spent more time upside down than right side up. This allowed us to solder the necessary wires, clean debris, and wipe away the age. Yes, the model train spent most of it’s time on the upper ‘casting’ (locomotive mold) so that we could access the electronics housed within.

Depot Pics
train truck wheels Lego Depot

Train Wheels

train electronic, re-solder


Do you enjoy Lego, Lego building, etc.? Leave a comment below and let us know what you’re thinking!

Debian Buster

SnapDragon 410c Running Debian OS

Debian Buster

Debian Buster Running on Snapdragon Board

Lab Work – Running Debian SnapDragon

Full Update: Flashed Debian Buster, installed, updated and running on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 410c.

Full run down avery cool step forward in running a Debian ISO on a Snapdragon 410c. Two IoT devices running Debian the same way. Speed and performance are fantastic, clean and uneventful. However, as with anything, problems come and go. The issues I encountered were minor Uneventful, minor, minor issues… more user related. Versus, compatibility issues. For example, I ran into an apt-secure(8) issue, among other minor open source hardware/software compatibility issues. Some research helped me find the solutions I needed. These minor issues shouldn’t deter anyone from flashing Debian on an IoT device. This is the puzzle or strategic side of technology that I enjoy. It’s all part of the territory. Instead of uneventful, it should be described as smooth sailing, as sailing has its own challenges.

In hindsight, it’s been a l while since I used Debian, so you have to ‘roll with the punches’, minimizing the damage or redirecting the challenge. Like most IoT device installs, you have to work through the error codes and fix what you can as the optimal scenario unfolds (flashing Debian onto a mobile/IoT device like SnapDragon or RPi).

Overall, things are running as expected. Next on the list is a full upgrade/update for the trusty Raspberry Pi4B.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

On The Bench: Tech Tools

Hemostats, Rosic Core Solder, Weller, Harris, Jakemy

Soldering Kit, Tech Tools, And More

Tech Tools On The Bench - Soldering Kits, Tech Tools and More

Lab Work – What’s On The Bench

On The Bench – Soldering Kits, Tech Tools, Open Source OS and More

At first glance, our pro-setup, includes a solder kit and all necessary tools. It does the job well – I  fixed the TinyHawk2 drone the other day. The nano was experiencing power issues with itsLEDs Having a soldering tool on hand is very useful. We use a Weller (soldering) tool for the job. Similarly, we have a Jakemy device care kit – which includes a tech screwdriver set, a essential for tech repair. I have used this set for repair. I have used this set for repairs, on Apple products, EMAX drones, tablets, and more. Eventually, we may upgrade the set but for now, Jakemy is the way to go based cost-effective choice.


Secondly, the RedHat sticker is a memory I found, brought a found memory, brought to you by RedHat/IBM/RHEL (once an IBMer, always I guess). I have RHEL running in parallel with MACOS as I transition back into development and design. I am now working full-time on my own, thanks to those at IBM, ((a special shout out)) to Jim Whitehurst and the RedHat Cloud team working with them was a joy, open source Tech Titans.

I also have a few spools of Harris (solder) – Rosin Core .062″ made in the US. Harris solder is unbeatable. Next, I have a couple pairs of #Curved Hemostats, for repairs, which help keep pieces and parts in place.

The same goes for the coffee mug I’m using, filled with coffee from Heart Roasters. I also have a few other repair tools, including tweezers and a tool kit.

Oracle VBOX

Lastly, I have RHEL running on VBOX. The cropped image does not show the development setup, only the repair tools. I have my MacBook Pro running VBOX with RHEL (Red Hat) personal flavor and Ubuntu. I am relearning Linux Ubuntu, similar, but different from RHEL. As a dev type, I used a Lenovo Dev laptop running RHEL at work. Now, I am just running the operating system with the emulator as I switch it up and start building my own environment form home. Today, just running OS (version) with the emulator as I switch it up and start building my own environment for home.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

ROOMBA Master Sensei

The Art of Robot Care

POWER UP: ROOMBA Master Sensei

Roomba Fix

Lab Work – Roomba Series

Become a ROOMBA Master Sensei, solve many Roomba Issues – iRobot Roomba 900 Series

Ring that bell, promoted to iRobotRoomba900 Master Sensei… tune up complete. Assuming extra pieces, swap parts as you clean…

Maintenance complete. A strong a WIFI signal is helpful when rebooting the machine use the iRobot Home app where applicable. For a thorough clean, keep all the bits, bobs, lasers, sensors, and treads clean daily and monthly. It’s imperative that maintenance is performed early and often, starting with the debris bin. Keep debris off the sensors wheel hubs, wheels and sweeper arm. Pet hair, small, fibers, and sand can  cause issues and reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of the cleaning robot.

Jokingly, this is how you earn your ROOMBA Master Sensei service belt. Don’t forget to keep the charging pads clean and rust-free. Contact pad degradation means longer charge times and less efficient charges.

iRobot – Roomba 900 Series
Power On

Power On

iRobot App

iRobot App

Hi, do you like what you see? Engage with us! Leave a comment below and let us know what you’re thinking? Do you have an iRobot vacuum, cleaner or succeeding series bot? Have a different robot cleaner brand, style, make or model? Share your experience with us!