Lab Work – Perhaps, the best way to show ‘work’ or work in progress; in most cases, the purpose is to highlight the struggle to find a solution, the test effort and the learning that takes place when fixing stuff. Or another way to share various phases of the problem solving process – hypothesize: test, learn and apply.


Galaxy Update

Samsung Galaxy S215G

SG21 5g

Lab Work – Samsung S vs. iPhone Series Hardware

Our S215G Experience, more performance, less pain to privacy with optional dualSIM card capability. Choose wisely young Skywalker; Pain-to-Privacy, Cost-to-Performance, our take on the matter.

U-Turn Ahead

Update* The decision was changed, while we chose the S215G over iPhone11/iPhone12/S22 and the idea worked in theory… The reality here is dual SIM cards are a ‘go’ on S10 and S22, not on the S20. Quick U Turn here as the S20 swap takes place, swapped out for the S21. Ultimately, the choice is the standard size, S22+ or Ultra not an ideal size for our needs. Again, the device is not the latest, nor the greatest; it’s the best for our needs.

Galaxy Series 22 | 22+, here is the comparison page that’s nice to start with –
S Model Comparison – 22 Ultra, 22+ and S21

A Move Toward S21

After many, many, many months of testing. retesting, and learning more about eSims or (electronic SIM cards), we were able to maintain ownership of the latest software and hardware. After evaluating performance and cost, we ultimately decided on the S21.

The S21 coasts better battery life than the S10 with a dualSIM option or hybrid sim option allowing for multiple numbers on a single device. It also offers 5G cellular service, and upgrades to the hardware, display, camera, when compared to other S models.

Compared to other Samsung models like the Flip or fold, as well as devices from Pixel (Google), Xperia (Sony) and iPhone, the S Model remains affordable in a touch device-saturated market. It is top of its class in terms of usability, user experience, control, privacy*, and bloatware.


When considering ROI, it is important to look at comparable ROI in the market in terms of price and performance. An emphasis is placed on privacy, with the goal being to maintain and secure the device without having to depend on Samsung, Google, or other third-party hacks for security. While this may require a lot of effort, the benefits in terms of privacy make it worth the pain. The balance between pain and privacy is becoming increasingly important and cannot be ignored.

Anyhow, check out comments, do you research… iOS 16 is out now, good luck!

Dungeon Boss

D and D Boss

D&D Fan? Let’s do Dungeon Boss

Dungeon Boss Opening

Lab Work – Utilizing Lord Zomm

Press you luck with Dungeon Boss, a great mobile D&D RPG alternative.

The goal is to assemble a team consisting of a healer, a tank (heavily defended character), a heavy hitter, and a Zomm (Mage). This strategy is highly effective in  Dungeons and Dragons if you are familiar with the game. The healer can both attack and heal as needed, while the tank, heavy hitter, and Zomm take down your opponents. The Zomm can crush your opponents. Earn a Zomm, find a Lord Zomm! A Zomm character is skilled mage, taking on ghouls, ghosts, skeletons, warriors and even poisonous jelly molds. Challenge yourself by facing boss battles, and remember to include Zomm, Chomps, NubNub and a variety of other characters in your lineup. 

Be The Boss


Choose Your Boss


A Boss Win

A Boss Win

I may be biased, but seriously, you need a Zomm. This is D&D in your hands, anywhere, anytime… Explore Boss: Respawned. Or, go old school, learn how to play D & D, the original RPG. Get a group of superhumans maybe a mage, warrior, healer and knight and roll your way through the Lost Mines of Phandelver or trek around Icewindale in search of the Frostmaiden.

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?



Downdetector - Detect Real-time problems and outages

Tech | Tools – Downdetector, Starlink Teaser

Outage? What’s Up with What’s App? Binance? Online Bank Account? Internet? Online Games?

When the ‘interwebs’ fail, or aren’t operating as they should… well, the interwebs has help. Check out Downdetector, great online resource for finding out what’s going on with the web(online games, apps; everything that uses the internet). 

An Insiders View


Downdetector Down Reports

Down Reports

Downdetector Reporting

Detailed Reporting

Downdetector Comments


More Reporting Detail

Aggregate reporting, reported outages, and a neat heat map of the world showing said outages, slowness etc. Next time you experience a snag in interweb service, join the ‘outage club’ (a group that manages outage and communicates services issues for the latest, real-time outage reporting and monitoring service. We use it regularly, almost every week, and sometimes daily.  While waiting for Starlink to come on board and receive equipment the website is our go-to for web service, applications or website outages. Other tools in the developer kit, you may want to explore include the FUZZ or give Selenium a try if you’re ready for it. There are many, I’ve just provided a few we use locally to keep services and websites working in optimal capacity.

For a full list of websites, service monitors, check out the 404 list – which lists of all websites monitored by DownDetector. As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?

Office Chairs and Desks

Serta, Gaiam, GTRAcing, Office Depot and More

What’s in your office?

GT Racing Chairs

Gear – Office Equipment – Gamer Chairs, Yoga Ball Chair and Standup Desk

In this office life, take a look at what we use on a daily basis: our trusty driver (comfy gaming chair), adjustable desk, and Gaiam desk chair for guests. We’re blending the traditional office setting with new materials and comfortable options. 

Are you a GT Racing fan? Today is the day to trade up and move on from the traditional office executive chair, like the current ergonomic executive chair Serta Jennings – B/T Ergo Chair that’s sitting in the office right now. Today, we’re switching gears to GT Racing, the gaming chair of choice my choice for the future.

Office Updates

Adj. Desk

Gaiam Ball

Gaiam Ball

Serta Chair

Serta Chair

More information will be provided once it is received. Specifically, I am interested in the GTRacing GTX320-Black chair or see our commentary and reviews. The reviews are positive, mentioning features such as leather, good support, and comfort similar to a car seat (which is a personal selling point for me). The chair also includes height-adjustable arms, lumbar and headrest support, and can recline up to nearly 170 degrees. Unfortunately, shipping will take a few days, which is a bit disappoint. Nevertheless, I believe the new chair will complement the office space nicely. 

The current office setup includes a height-adjustable desk that can be raised and lowered with a manual paddle-like button. Additionally, there is a modern Gaiam yogi-chair balance chair, which is great for short-term sitting but may not be suitable for longer sitting periods. For extended coding sessions and conference/phone calls, a GT Racing chair may be more comfortable and supportive. It’s time for an upgrade to address back pain and improve overall comfort during long periods of sitting. The decision has been made – GT Racing the way to go.

Before you go, there is an update… we ran into a snag, GTRacing handled it see the GTRacing update here. Helpful when someone makes it right. For those of you who know of the issue and remedy, great; now you know why we chose a second GTRacing gaming chair. The GTRacing Mesh chair nearly 2 years later (updated 6/2024)! Good chair, comfortable, breathable, more durable that it’s predecessor. Finally, this one has a foot rest. Don’t forget about your furry office friends, like ours, Zeus and Ruby… they’re around here somewhere, 

As usual leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking?


A jQuery Research and Guide

Learn JQuery with Astrononymous

Astrononymous Main

Lab Work – Astrononymous

Become A JQuery GURU via Astrononymous (Astro-Non-Ymous)

Web • TWBS4 Twitter Bootstrap V4 • TWB & jQuery Development Guide* • Business/Marketing Analytics • Hosting • Webmail • SEO Search Engine Optimization

*Please note, is CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. This is a long-term guide in progress, a jQuery guide or study tool if you will. At the moment, most of the build stories, content remain in the backlog. However, the main Bootstrapped theme, index, and subpages are available or in production. This has a long-term build tag, so, patience is needed of course. Just need a little time “Scotty” (Startrek reference about not having enough power from the core power unit to speed off into space. For context, the famous character, Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Chief Engineer on the original U.S.S. Enterprise). Why is this reference relevant, it’s a reference to Scotty’s ability to make stuff work; make miracles happen. Check back in a few months, we should be up and running.

More jQuery development is on the way, as mentioned, it is a work in progress. I would be remiss not to redirect your attention to our other designs and website builds on X @salleetech. If you are looking for more web work or other pieces of artwork, they can be found under the tag portfolio.


BurmPy, Learn Python

A Burmese Python Code References

Burmese Python - BurmPy

Lab Work – BurmPy


Web • TWBS5 Twitter Bootstrap V5 • TWB & Python Build Guide* • User Analytics • Hosting • Search/SEO Search Engine Optimization

Please note, is CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION. We are still ‘moving around’ global elements on the core Python section and guide section, along with its counterparts, Basics, Advanced, and DB/More.

BurmPy Build
BurmPy Home


Core Code

Core Code

Hello World

Hello World

Adv Code

Adv Code

You’ll see however, that basic structure is there, BS V5 elements, usage etc. Main nav, content and secondary nav for secondary content are included. Time is always an issue, so I ask for your patience in providing the necessary time to sort out the most important Python elements, groom said elements, and publish code as we build the site. Today, we have next steps as the intro, Core Python, Advanced and DB (more), putting us in good shape on rails to deliver new content in a productive manner, adhering to deliverable schedule or track for now.

Development will continue, shipping pieces and parts on the regular and as we build, test and publish elements to the site (iteratively). Including the welcome content, ‘hello world’ and core code elements. That way we can build over time, add what needs to or removed what is deprecated (removed from the standard code) via We do want to include this guide, same TWBS v5 elements as the others, those will also be groomed and updated on the site as we ship pieces and parts.

One final note, we may transition this into a WordPress CMS site for ease of use and content management, including updates on new code or removed (deprecated, no longer supported elements) Python elements/code. We could likely get the core elements up faster than hand coding the site. More to come.


Stay Warm, When You Need It Most

Bonfires, Fire Pits, Camp Fires and Lasting Memories

1fyr - Campfire

Lab Work – 1Fyr, Campfires and More

Lasting Memories: Do you miss those days down on the farm, sharing smores, fishing, fireworks, campfires and stories by the lake?

Way, way back when, farm fires i.e. bonfires at the fire pit, were a weekend treat. After a long week of hard work, sweat and dirt, a campfire by the lake was where we would be. Family, friends, most have come and gone. Remembering those days is just as important as looking ahead to the days we spend around a future fireplace, campfire, bonfire, or firepit.

I wanted to do a throwback post about the days of the past, only to quickly refocus that energy on the future, a future time with friends and family. In the new year, stay safe, be well and enjoy time with the people you care about most. We thank those of you who support our efforts, our vision, our families. We will be bringing back 1Fyr videos once the pool cage is complete… It’s been along time, some 8 months since our last video post to So, if it’s a campfire that brings back a memory (a fond memory down on the farm), it did for us. Enjoy the New Year, be safe, be well. Happy New Year.

We miss those days, sharing with friends and family around the campfire. In the meantime, here are some of our favorite stories by the campfire via YouTube, One, Alfie’s The Long Fire, or Dan’s  Self-Feeding Fire. Have a favorite story or campfire activity? Leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking!

MBP Mid’18

MBP Mid’18 OEM Battery Replacement

Apple MacBook Pro Mid’18 Battery

Macbook Pro Battery Swap

Lab Work – MBP Issues

MBP Mid’18 Battery and Logic board Issues/Failure – perform a complete teardown, replacement, and reboot to fix there issues.


Our primary machine is the Late MBP ’18 Battery Swap that we use to run the latest applications and code. Recently, it crashed during an upgrade for Mojave/Catalina to BigSur. This ‘upgrade’ coincided with the mid/late summer updates from WWDC. We experienced boot issues, kernel panics, and had to reinstall after reformatting form MAC Journaled to AFPS. We also had to deal with installer packages, boot scripts, and even installed Ubuntu 21, which resulted in a lack of mouse or keyboard functionality.  

Battery Repair

Clean Drive

Utility Tool

Utility Tool

Reinstall System

Reinstall System



Load OS

Load OS



They say pictures are worth a thousands words or more, so let’s take a peek. Oh, and don’t forget ‘csrutil’ enable and disable for unwanted apps, native apps and clearing system integrity ‘issues’. This command only works when you run Recovery Mode, in Terminal Utility… we can just leave that there for another day. One other item to note, this is all MacOS specific. Assuming your running a MacOS alt OS on a Windows (PC), Linux, Linux Alternatives and/or VM, downloads are available and are similar when unpacking the root cause.

Repair Actions
  • Flash Old Version of MacOS and Installer Package
  • Create USB Install via Terminal
  • Etcher
  • Check OS Version (if possible) MacOs Version Compatibility
  • Reset PRAM, Run Diagnostics, Internet Recovery, Target Disk to Move existing files; all there, just make sure you know what version of MacOS. If you don’t, click the ‘Apple’ Icon at the top/left -> Select About This Mac -> Overview. This assumes you have a running version of MacOS. Or check the Apple Product# on the underside of your Macbook Pro and work forward…
  • MacOS Startup KeyBoard Combinations
  • Diagnose Error Codes -1008F, Address Overheating and Fan Control
  • Apple Support thread specific to -1008f
  • Remove Device from iCloud – Find Device, Disable AFPS Admin Security Settings
  • Backup Drive to external storage device
  • Handy Drive SanDisk Drive
  • Clean/Remove Drive, Remove AFPS Drive/Volume(s)
  • Internet Recovery High Sierra, MacOS and Installer Package (Pre El Capitan, Yosemite or Lion)
  • MacOS Mojave
  • MacOS High Sierra
  • Boot MacOS Install, Reinstall Existing Apps, Install Catalina working patches, updates
  • Install New Apps, Settings and Remove unwanted settings as it relates to latest OS
  • Maintain existing MacOS sans MacOS OS Upgrades or Forced Updates, Uncheck installation automation for all apps, requiring system to be manually updated
  • Bootcamp Install, Flash/Install WIN10, Throw-out old server (Z400)
  • Oracle Virtual Box
  • ISOs – MS – WIN10.iso, Ubuntu – Ubuntu 21.10
  • With the addition of MacOS Server

Key takeaways, include make/model, year, shipped quarter, chipset(s) and chip security settings. If your computer is locked, check the iCloud device status, remember install package pre/post logic board changes. We chose this route because all logic boards for this particular machine have been out of stock and remain unavailable for this model. It makes one wonder why. There is no need to replace the battery just yet, but we may have to do so on the second go-around.

When I have the opportunity, I will post a few pictures of Windows 10 running in Boot Camp, Ubuntu 21 running with keyboard and mouse support, and other images for MacOS Server, etc. As always, feel free to leave a comment below, let us know what you’re thinking!

Dogeminer v2

Dig Out The Dogeminer V2


Dogeminer v2

Lab Work – Get Some Doge

Fan favorite, Check out Dogeminer v2; don’t forget to save your game.

Get your Doge on, with Dogeminer v2. When was the last time you played and took your doge to outer space?

I’m not forcing you to play Doge, but may be you should (just kidding, I don’t need more people on the Doge servers)! Anyway, we recommend playing Doge or Doge 2… It’s a great game that’s easy-to-play, just tap along, build, blast off, and go where no doge has gone before. Say goodbye to app crashing, progress loss, or game issues. The best part of this game is the ability to save a downloadable file for later. Better screenshots will have to wait next time! These Dogeminer v2 games should suffice for now.

In Game Experience










Doge 2 is on the very short list of online games we cover: Dogeminer, Penguin Flight, SuperTux, SuperTuxCart, Drug Wars… the usual suspects. How about newer games like Clash of Clans, MLB The Show 23 or vintage – NES Ice Climber? Where it’s Doge or CoC, keep gaming. As usual leave a comment below and  let us know what you’re thinking!

BurmPy and R

Learn Py and R

Strengthen Your Knowledge with BurmPy and R


Lab Work – BurmPy and R

As mentioned a few weeks ago, it almost feels like it was more than a month ago now. WE have a few projects in progress or on the digital work-bench:,, and our R Programming deep dive. The same goes for Astrononymous, MBEMO and more.

There’s no need to grab a pitchfork for this Burmese Python (BurmPy). Consider this more of a heads up and a milestone as we continue to expand our educational series. We’ve already launched Bootstrap, html and JS. Now it’s times to shift our focus to the Python and R pipeline. It could be a good goal  to package these two languages (Python and R) along with JS. Please bear with us as we work on these projects in an iterative process.

That being said, we have already converted the Bootstrap reference site (Borg2borg website). The others will follow as we develop, build and release those projects. Good news – we have started to convert BurmPy, creating a future ‘home’ in our educational series at Like 1Fyr, Borg2borg and the others, this entity will also carry on the TWBS Bootstrap test case, using the latest Bootstrap build. So, more information will be coming in the coming weeks/months. Keep your eyes pealed.

More pictures are coming, please excuse the mess… Our Github code and ghists are always available. Unfortunately, we are working in the background to finish Burmpy screenshots, clean them up, and prepped are them for consumption.