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Lab Work – Excitebike Video
I am a huge Excitebike fan. For those who don’t know what Excitebike is, check out the Excitebike video! I love creating custom tracks and stages with max jumps and bumps; it is definitely a great game ahead of its time. See more…
It feels like I start each review with, I’m a huge fan, well, Excitebike is no different… I could be just era I grow up in, these games took RGPs and boardgames to a new level. Mario, Excitebike, and Duck Hunt – if I recall correctly, these three games were the first games we owned. Not in that order, I can’t remember which games might have come with the console. I don’t know that the order matters, but Excitebike was epic. The hurdles, the big jumps, the step-ups and customizer…
The Excitebike track customizer might have been the most epic part, having the ability to create my own mega ramp race course. That was truly a game changer for me. I especially liked the ‘bluish’ and ‘neon green’ courses. The only real hang up I had with this game was the engine temperature or overheating… Like Top Gun, and the landing bit, the game is awesome, also my achilles heal. Overheating and landing, not so much. I was not the ‘landing’ type, never really got the hang of it. Where temperature was much easier to control in Excitebike. So, the customizer and temperature awareness… take aways. Jumps were fantastic, courses were worth the ride and game play was worth the hours upon hours of play.
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