NES Commando
Take The Flag – Commando
Lab Work – Commando Video
@worldoflongplays presents “Take That Flag”, a full play-through of NES Commando! See more…
One of the more difficult games back in the day was trying to ‘take the flag’ in the vertical scroll game, reminiscent of the Contra horizontal scroll or ‘metroid-vania’ style games. Not for the faint of heart, this game dates back to 1985 and features a difficult run and scroll format to Contra and other horizontal and vertical scroll games. As a child, I struggled with the difficulty of navigating those huts and towers, which seemed to always trip me up.
Speaking of Commando another game worth mentioning is Contra, a hybrid of the two styles with more of a horizontal scroll but sprinkled with vertical elements. I always thought Commando video could benefit from this hybrid-scroll gameplay, which would have been my only complaint about the game.
In hindsight, I learned to take down the towers, bunkers and huts in Commando, which is why I appreciate the game even more now. Despite its difficulty, the game is fast-paced and becomes easier as you learn the strategies and puzzles of each level. Anyhow, the game is hard, fast-paced and ‘easier’ as you learn the game strategy and board puzzles. Unlike most games, the ending is interesting, (SPOILER) with a simple message thanking the player for completing the mission. It may seem underwhelming, but as an adult, it resonates with those who have serve in some capacity. It’s fascinating how art can reflect real life in unexpected ways. I recommend watching a video of this game on YouTube or playing it online if you have access to a platform like Nintendo Switch.
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